Posts by Todd Pruitt

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You won't want to miss the new conference sponsored by the good folks at Mortification of Spin. It is entitled "LOITER." We can hardly wait! When - TBD Where - A small OPC church somewhere in flyover country. Cost - $1.25 (plus tax) Speakers - You've never heard of them. Plenary...
I am currently preaching through the Book of Acts . Last Sunday I preached on Paul’s conversion from Acts 9:1-19a. It’s the sort of text that seems to preach itself. Paul is God’s great object lesson of grace. In his first epistle to Timothy Paul affirms just that. God saved him,...
Biologos has as its mission to spread the message that the Bible cannot be relied upon as a trustworthy guide to human origins (or anything else related to creation). If Biologos were an arm of a secular university or agnostic think tank, that agenda would make perfect sense. But the profane irony...
I deeply appreciate John Piper. His ministries of preaching and writing have meant a great deal to me over the years. I pray that the Lord will continue to use him to bless His church. I point that out because I am not a guy who makes it a point to hate on Piper. I don’t consider it cutting...
“You didn’t build that.” Those rather infamous words, some of you will remember, were spoken by our President to business owners about their businesses. And while those words are terribly misguided when applied to business owners they need to ring in the ears of every pastor who...
There has been much handwringing lately over the fall of Mark Driscoll and demise of Mars Hill Inc. It is not my intention to pick on Driscoll or Mars Hill. But the Seattle mega-church and her charismatic pastor were the most public face of the Young, Restless, and Reformed (YRR) movement. How this...
Happy Reformation Day friends! We value reading over here at Mortification of Spin . In fact we're pretty sure that there is no such thing as having too many books. So, from one bibliophile to many others I offer you the following list of excellent books dealing with the history and/or...
Sometime in the early Spring, Lord willing, I will preach a brief series of messages on Gender Confusion, Sexuality, and the Image of God. That's not an easy topic these days considering the fact that faithfulness to the biblical message regarding sexuality will get one branded a bigot. It is...
Since discovering that the Bible is riddled with errors and contradictions Peter Enns of Eastern University is rather enthusiastic about his project to expose us all to the glories of biblical errancy. Indeed, Dr. Enns' new book has received high praise from such evangelical luminaries as Brian...
Carl and Aimee, I am wondering if you have received any criticism on our interview with David VanDrunen on MOS. I have not received any directly. But I did run across a few Facebook comments that were rather critical (social media makes men quite brave). Anyway, the criticisms were completely vague...
The latest Mortification of Spin is up and running . On this episode we talk to Professor David VanDrunen about Two Kingdoms Theology. We cover such topics as politics, abortion, cultural engagment, and whether or not there is such a thing as Christian softball. Check out these two excellent books...
I can usually tell that I will like someone when they are criticized by those whose praise would be cause for concern. Such is the case with Mark Jones over at Ref21. It seems Mark has earned the sneers of the usual suspects over at the curmudgeon’s corner. The problem is that Jones won...
I'm currently preaching through the Book of Acts. On Sunday I preached part 20 which is entitled "The Death of Stephen" (7:54-8:1). You can listen to or download it HERE . We also podcast our sermons. If you are planning to preach or treach through Acts the following books have been...
It was inevitable I suppose. When a church operates as a global brand the need to stay fashionable is of prime importance. So it is not surprising that Hillsong, the multinational mega-church founded in Australia is now openly capitulating on biblical sexual ethics. Carl Lentz the uber hip rock...
Dr. Michael Kruger of Reformed Theological Seminary has written a helpful, clear, and appropriately corrective review of Dr. Peter Enns' (Eastern University) newest book The Bible Tells Me So . Dr. Kruger explains Dr. Enns' project: Enns is pushing back against another core historical tenet...
Hershael York has written an excellent little article on preaching entitled Four Reasons Why Some Preachers Get Better and Others Don’t . The article poses a good question: Can preaching be taught? In other words, is it possible for someone not brimming with natural gifts of communication...
If you are going to be anywhere near Philadelphia on October 21 and 22 plan on attending the annual Preaching Conference at Westminster Seminary . The theme this year is “Essentials of Biblical Exposition.” Dr. R Kent Hughes will be the featured speaker. Dr. Hughes is an outstanding...
Roger Olson is right. Those sneeky Calvinists are infiltrating every corner of polite society. It seems that Carl Trueman has even begun the process of reform at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary .
The latest installment of Mortification of Spin: Bully Pulpit includes a discussion of Daniel Block's excellent new book on worship - The latest installment of Mortification of Spin: Bully Pulpit includes a discussion of Daniel Block's excellent new book on worship - For The Glory of God:...
On Sunday I preached part 19 in our series through the Book of Acts. It is entitled "The Killing of the Righteous One" and is taken from Acts 7:44-53. You may listen to or download it HERE . Also, Covenant Presbyterian is now podcasting the sermons...
“All the dogma and the death and resurrection of Jesus stuff was not the attraction.” - Bart Campolo And that's the problem. In an interview with Jonathan Merritt , Bart Campolo, son of Tony Campolo, explains his coming out as an atheist. It is a sad story. But Campolo's...
The latest edition of Mortification of Spin addresses an issue that attracts no small amount of controversy: Paedobaptism. Carl, Aimee, and I discuss why Presbyterians baptize their babies. The other benefit is that it's going to drive Frank Turk absolutely crazy. This week the gang's in deep water...
If you are new to Ref21 then you ought to know that we believe things like baptism and church governance are important. I will stick my head into the current cage match just long enough to suggest some excellent books on the subject of baptism. Obviously Christian baptism is a subject which cannot...
Tom Chantry, a Reformed Baptist, has written a helpful and timely post concerning the practice of closed communion and whether or not Presbyterians should actually be treated as brothers and sisters in Christ. Check it out HERE .
On Sunday I preached part 18 in our series through the Book of Acts. It is entitled "The Rejected Redeemer" (Acts 7:17-43) and can be listened to or downloaded HERE . We are also now podcasting our sermons.
In is excellent book Leading with a Limp , Dan Allender points out the isolating nature of decision making. To decide requires a death, a dying to a thousand options, the putting aside of a legion of possibilities in order to choose just one. De- cide . Homo- cide . Sui- cide . Patri- cide . The...
On this week's Mortification of Spin , Carl, Aimee, and I are joined by Rachel Miller to discuss the Patriarchy movement. Join a provocative conversation with Rachel Miller, editor and writer for the Aquila Report, as she enlightens us about the patriarchy movement, its driving forces, and its many...
On Sunday we continued our series through the Book of Acts. The message was part 17 and is entitled "Promise, Rejection, and Deliverance" (7:1-16). You can listen to or download it HERE . Also, we are now podcasting our sermons.
Michael Horton joins us on the latest edition of Mortification of Spin . Carl seems to think that Aimee and I fawn a bit too much over Dr. Horton. And perhaps we do. I just think Trueman is jealous that we don't treat him with the same deference. Gallantly riding in from the White Horse Inn, our...
Over at Forbes, Rob Asghar has written quite an interesting piece on the Mars Hill debacle. Whether he knows it or not he makes a case for denominationalism and sound polity: Some organizations are more wired than others for spectacular success or spectacular failure. Nondenominational megachurches...
On Sunday we jumped back into our study of Acts. It is part 16 in the series and is entitled "Witness and Opposition" (6:8-15). You can listen to or download it HERE . Also, Covenant Presbyterian is now Podcasting its sermons. If you don't already, get the Podcast app and look up Covenant...
Finally, a Bible for those of us who have not gone mainstream. It is a Bible that is for us who wear tight plaid shirts and sport handlebar mustaches.
Carl got a shout out from Dr. Jason Allen, President of Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (my Alma mater). Sometimes I think Carl Trueman single-handedly preserves equilibrium in the universe with Joel & Victoria Osteen. The former is lucid, biblical, and relentlessly convictional. The...
Michael Kruger is continuing his helpful series of posts entitled Does the Bible Ever Get it Wrong . These posts are in response to a series by Peter Enns denying the historical reliability and theological unity of the Bible. Dr. Kruger has assembled a team of world-class scholars to address...
The latest edition of Mortification of Spin: Bully Pulpit is up and running. For this program we chose a topic over which there are no strong opinions... Dating? Courtship? What do those words mean? Do they even matter in today's hook-up culture? What is the best option? Always ready to ruffle some...
On Sunday I wrapped up our series through Job. It is entitled “Blessing Comes in the End” and can be listened to or downloaded HERE .
Our culture has come to value only things that are practical, things that work. Every idea or conviction is judged by its utility: Will it help me raise my kids, build a successful marriage, live a healthy life? When an idea or conviction doesn’t come through, we find it easy to move on to another...
I recently began reading Homespun Gospel: The Triumph of Sentimentality in Contemporary American Evangelicalism by Todd Brenneman. Dr. Brenneman is Assistant Professor of Christian History at Faulkner University. His knowledge of the sentimental heart of American evangelicalism is, I'm sure, quite...
I recently began reading Homespun Gospel: The Triumph of Sentimentality in Contemporary American Evangelicalism by Todd Brenneman. Dr. Brenneman is Assistant Professor of Christian History at Faulkner University. His knowledge of the sentimental heart of American evangelicalism is, I'm sure, quite...
The latest Mortification of Spin is up and running. On this episode we interview Phil Johnson of Grace To You, the original Pyromaniac, and resident expert on all things Charles Spurgeon. This just in: "Polite Society" has banished Carl, Aimee, and Todd to live on Leper Island! While exploring the...
On Sunday I preached part 10 of our series through Job. It is taken from chapters 38-41 and is entitled "God Answers." You can listen to or download it HERE .
On December 5-7 Christ Church Presbyterian in Charleston, SC will be hosting their annual Charleston Christmas Conference on Reformed Theology . The theme is "The Nativity and the Cross." This year's speakers are Drs. Carl Trueman and Harry Reeder. God has given us many good gifts to enjoy even in...
The latest Mortification of Spin: Bully Pulpit is up and running. Today our Reformed trifecta considers hopping on the ol' evangelical bandwagon. The gang highlights some understated dangers of churches whose leadership present an alluring faux intimacy and show lack of integrity. They also give...
On Sunday I preached part 9 in our series through Job. It is entitled "Speaking Up For God" and is taken from Job chapters 32-37. You can listen or download it HERE .
I really like Michael Kruger. Dr. Krueger is a Professor of New Testament and President of Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte, NC. He is also author of the enormously helpful Canon Revisited and The Question of Canon . In addition he is proprietor of one of the best blogs going - Canon...
I am currently preaching through Job and previously posted links to the commentaries/resources that have been most helpful to me. I have also been helped by a number of books on the theme of suffering. Here are the ones I have turned to most frequently: God in the Shadows by Brian Morley A Place...
It seems that unbelief is all the rage among some who identify themselves as Christian. Specifically, asserting that the Bible is filled with errors to the extent that Christianity needs redefining is, among some, a mark of a truly mature faith. Enter Michael Kruger. Dr. Krueger is a Professor of...
Allow me to interrupt all this substance for something really important. It has come to my attention that our own Carl Trueman has an avocation of which he seems quite passionate. I do not know if this presents any problem for his reputation as a serious historian or OPC pastor. I had to say a...
On Sunday I preached part 8 in our series through Job. It is entitled "Who Needs Justification?" and is taken from Job chapters 29-31. You can listen to or download it HERE .
* Given the current climate, I have no doubt that this post will be frustrating to some. Some will think my comments are inadequate and I'm sure they are in any number of ways. But if we are to have honest conversations about race then we will have to tolerate each other's inadequate thoughts. My...