Posts by Todd Pruitt

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Holy Trinity Brompton is an evangelical powerhouse in Great Brittan. What is more, through their well known Alpha Course , HTB is a world-wide presence. There is much to admire and appreciate about HTB and the Alpha Course. But, in my mind, the things to be concerned about are significant. In a...
The latest Mortification of Spin: Bully Pulpit is up and running. On this installment of Bully Pulpit, Aimee, Todd, and Carl discuss the multi-generational nature of the Bride of Christ. How do we reconcile the fact that different generations seem to want different things from a church? Is it true...
On Sunday I began a series of sermons through the book of Acts. Part one is entitled "The Acts of the Risen Jesus" (1:1-5) and may be listened to HERE .
Given my previous post , I thought it would be a good idea to pass along a recommendation for an outstanding book on the nature of work and vocation. It is by Lutheran thinker Gene Veith and is entitled God At Work . I highly recommend this helpful book for individual reading and group discussion...
Work is good. There have been times when the church did not always affirm this. The work of the clergy was the only holy vocation. Worldly work did not carry the spiritual cache of religious occupations. At the risk of oversimplifying, it was the Protestant Reformation which recovered the notion...
It appears as though our demise will be more Huxleyan than Orwellian.
This will probably be the last thing I post on Donald Miller's recent revelation that he does not attend church. No promises, mind you. Miller's two posts provide us with a rich source of understanding the bitter fruit of the consumer church. As such, reflection on this can be a fruitful endeavor...
By now most of you know that Donald Miller doesn't much go in for church . I wrote a response to Miller over at Ref21 . Actually it's not much of a response to Miller as it is a critique of his doctrines of the church and worship. Today, Miller, recognizing that his post was receiving a lot of...
I'm thinking about starting a support group for Calvinists who have been mistreated by Arminians, Mennonites, Amish, Mormons, Hindus, stamp collectors, and reside nts of New Jersey. More seriously, I do wonder what is behind the "Calvinists are meanies" posts to which we are treated routinely. Don'...
On Sunday I preached from Matthew 28:16-21. The sermon is entitled "The Mission" and can be listened to HERE .
Sometimes I almost feel sorry for Rachel Held Evans. Almost . What keeps me from crossing that line are her own words. She continues to confound me with her strange approach to reason. In a recent article she displays her confusion over the nature of personhood. Doug Wilson offers help: Rachel Held...
I was saddened but not at all surprised to read Donald Miller's recent disclosure that he does not attend a church. I was sad because one cannot be a Christian and reject Christ's body, his bride, his building. Christians are made and grown in the body of Christ. I was not, however, surprised...
One week from this Sunday I will begin preaching a series through Acts. I'm looking forward to it. The preparation has been rewarding as it is every time the opportunity comes to study and outline a book of the Bible. As is always the case, I cull through a lot of resources in the preparation time...
The good folks at 9Marks have dedicated the most recent issue of the 9Marks Journal to the prosperity gospel. There are some really helpful articles and book reviews in this issue. It would be wonderful to toss this particular heresy on history's trash heap. But the prosperity gospel has tremendous...
I knew Putin was a tough guy. Otherwise he wouldn't be constantly sending out all those shirtless pictures of himself fishing, riding a horse, washing his car, etc. But now he has gone too far. For the very manly leader of Russia to beat up a respected church historian from Philadelphia is too much.
The latest edition of Mortification of Spin: Bully Pulpit has been posted. In this episode we discuss the role of Christians in the public square, specifically as it relates to abortion.
On Sunday I preached on the subject of the gospel's centrality (1 Cor 15:1-4). You can listen to the sermon HERE .
"Take me, for example. I opposed indulgences and all papists, but never by force. I simply taught, preached, wrote God's Word: otherwise I did nothing. And then, while I slept or drank Wittenberg beer with my Philip of Amsdorf the Word so greatly weakened the papacy that never a prince or emperor...
There has been much debate concerning the so-called insider movement which advocates removing references in the Bible to Jesus as the Son of God. The debate is important. Obviously, Muslims are offended by any language that would refer to Jesus as anything other than a great prophet. And, since...
The latest issue of Credo is now online. The theme of this issue is the doctrine of justification. Contributors include: Thomas Schreiner Phil Ryken Michael Horton Guy Waters Fred Zaspel
Phillip Cary is professor of philosophy at Eastern University and scholar in residence at Templeton Honors College. One of my favorite books of 2010 is Dr. Cary's Good News for Anxious Christians . One chapter deals with the sufficiency of Scripture and the nature of God's speech. The chapter is...
From an article in Christianity Today by Daniel Darling and Andrew Walker: As evangelicals who came of age during the culture wars, we’re part of a generation ready to move past the pitched left-right debates. The critiques of Christian political activism have held some merit: A hyper-focus on...
Thanks to John MacArthur for this great moment captured in one look: [youtube] HT: Steve McCoy
I have long registered my dismay over the popularity of the "I died, went to Heaven, and God sent me back" books. First of all there is no biblical category for this. "It is appointed unto man once to die and then face the judgment." Folks, "clinically dead" is the not the same thing as " dead dead...
The latest Mortification of Spin is up and running. What's the purpose of a sermon? Is it to inspire the congregation or just a means of transmitting knowledge? Or is the sermon something greater? Dead bones came to life when Ezekiel preached. Are the sermons you listen to that powerful? Listen to...
I am thankful to see faculty members of Westminster Seminary posting thoughtful pieces on abortion and the anniversary of Roe V. Wade. Take time to read them and pass them along: Tim Witmer Bill Edgar David Garner Scott Oliphint David Powlison
Nine Marks has been running some helpful articles on the Prosperity Gospel. Many of the practitioners of this false teaching are easy to recognize: Kenneth Copeland, Creflo Dollar, Joyce Meyer, T.D. Jakes, etc. But prosperity teaching also comes in subtler forms from more unlikely people. David...
// Justification and Sanctification: What's the Problem? from The Gospel Coalition on Vimeo ...
Recently I posted at Ref21 my thoughts on Sara Young's Jesus Calling . Two thoughts have followed: 1. I want to thank my Covenant Presbyterian Church family for their response. It has been so refreshing to be treated with respect in light of my concerns about the book. This was a new experience for...
On Sunday I preached the first of three sermons on the church. It is entitled "What The Church Is For" and is taken from Ephesians 3:20-21. You can listen to it HERE .
Meredith Kline, one of the great Old Testament scholars of the 20th century, wrote a fascinating study examining Exodus 21:22-25: "When men strive together and hit a pregnant woman, so that her children come out, but there is no harm, the one who hit her shall surely be fined, as the woman's...
I have been asked quite a bit recently if there are any devotional books that I recommend. So, if you are interested in what I think is a pretty good list of books, you can check it out HERE .
I have been greatly helped by the work of Michael Kruger . So when he says a particular book is "one of the best apologetics books in years" then you can bet it's on my list. He writes: Every once in a while a book is published that is so helpful, so original, and so needed, that it makes one...
It's still there and it's still not a parody - Pastor Fashion .
It is a vexing question for many: "What about those who have never heard?" How can God hold accountable for believing the gospel those who have never heard the gospel? Certainly God cannot send a man to Hell for not believing when he never even had the opportunity to reject the gospel in the first...
One of my Christmas gifts was the new book "From Heaven He Came and Sought Her." I can tell you that it is living up to the hype. This is an outstanding book. I am happy to say that it is now back in stock at wtsbooks and available for 45% off the listed price. Be kind to yourself and get this one.
One of my favorite lecturers is Carl Trueman . I hate to put that in print because I don't want to him to get the impression that I think too highly of him. Anyway, thanks to Justin Taylor for posting the following excellent lectures. If you think church history, puritan theology, or anything...
The latest Mortification of Spin: Bully Pulpit is up and running. What do you look for in a good church? Bouncy castles, a good social network, a place to land a good business deal? Those may be fun, but there’s more to it than that. Don't forget about good preaching and a robust confession. Listen...
On Sunday I preached a message from Matthew 25:31-46. It is entitled "Finding Grace On Judgment Day" and you can listen to it HERE .
I am part of a confessional church and denomination. That means we adhere to a confession of faith. In our case it is the Westminster Confession of Faith (WCF). In my opinion the WCF is the most comprehensive and useful confession of faith ever composed. To join our church, new members must pledge...
These days there is little else playing in my car than Ref Net , the online radio of Ligonier Ministries. It is an outstanding mix of preaching, music, conference messages, audio books, news, and Scripture reading. Among the preachers and teachers featured are R.C. Sproul, John MacArthur, Al Mohler...
The latest edition of Mortification of Spin is up and running. What role does preaching play in today's church? The Rev. Dr. Jonathan Master joins Carl Trueman and Todd Pruitt to talk about the importance and gravity of preaching. Through the book "Preaching & Preachers" by Dr. Martyn Lloyd-...
On Sunday I preached from Matthew 11:25-30. The sermon is entitled "Accepted by God" and can be listened to HERE .
Mark Dever has had a great impact on my life and ministry. When I was a Southern Baptist pastor who had come to embrace the Doctrines of Grace I felt incredibly isolated until I stumbled across 9 Marks Ministries around 2000 or 2001. I have also had occasion to visit Capitol Hill Baptist Church on...
Shall we make our daughters into soldiers? Brilliant counsel on pastoral leadership. My favorite new app.
The combination of male cowardice and political correctness is a deadly one. Now comes news that President Obama has lifted the restrictions from women serving in combat. Please take time to Read John Piper's clear article on this regrettable decision. Piper writes: A year ago President Obama...
Carl gets the finder's fee for pointing me to the following post. It seems that a certain well known CCM group from the 90's is going to be performing at a conference hosted by the Southern Baptist Convention. The only problem (although it does not seem to be a problem to some in the SBC) is that...
You read that right. Check it out HERE .