Posts by Todd Pruitt

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I was so blessed by our combined worship services on Sunday! It was great to see the saints from all three morning worship services together in one gathering. Many thanks to the office staff, the hospitality team, the ushers, the musicians, and all the others who worked hard to ensure that our time...
The evangelical world lost a giant last week. He will be missed by all those who were touched by his thoughtful, tireless, and courageous commitment to the truth. Check out this memorial site ( Dr. James Kennedy Memorial ).
Tom Ascol over at Founders has written an article worth reading ( theodicy ). It deals with the recent comments of Roger Olsen of Truett Seminary which I posted on last week.
Read this article ( Desiring God ) and be encouraged by God's commitment to His glory and the salvation of sinners.
Roger Olson is a professor of theology at the Truett Theological Seminary in Waco, Texas. He is a good writer and I am sure a good and decent man. But his article “Calvinist view of bridge collapse distorts God’s character” that ran in the Baylor Lariat ( The Lariat Online ) that ran in the Baylor...
“The gospel is hated and rejected as foolishness until the direct power of the Spirit changes the governing disposition of the heart.” - R.G. Lee The very first Southern Baptist confession of faith was the Abstract of Principles of 1859. It served, and still serves, as the foundational doctrinal...
I hope you will read this article ( Articles ) by D.A. Caron on the Gospel. It is edifying. It is also a reminder that Christians MUST get the Gospel right. It is the power of God unto salvation for all who believe. It is the Church's essential message. It is THE Good News. It is the matter of...
Contemporary Westerners have a difficult time understanding the deep significance of the table fellowship described in the Bible. Indeed, Western people have a hard time understanding much of anything from ancient Palestine connected with food. We have food in abundance; those in the ancient East...
Here are some interesting thoughts on tattoos and body piercing from John Piper ( Desiring God ).
John Piper on the Holy Spirit's role in regeneration ( TheResurgence ). Salvation belongs to the Lord!
Great words from the Puritan Jeremiah Burroughs from his classic "Gospel Worship." "The reason men worship God in a casual way is because they do not see God in His Glory. If a man has ever had Isaiah's vision of the Holiness of God, he would be changed in an instant. But until men have seen God as...
Justin Taylor has posted this stunning observation from Sally Morgenthaler( Megachurches ). Bless her heart. I couldn't resist.
As the two previous posts demonstrate, the love of money is a sin that pastors cannot afford. Don’t misunderstand. Sinless perfection regarding lust for money is no more attainable in this life than is sinless perfection regarding lust for pleasure, lust for recognition, or lust for vengeance...
Two well known "pastors" in the prosperity movement announced their coming divorce ( ). This is a tragic report. It is a dangerous thing to follow men (or women). How can so many people follow preachers who have so clearly abandoned Christ for success and money? I am speachless.
Christianity Today has posted this interesting article on their live blog site ( Christianity Today ). It seems that Ted Haggard and his wife need money to fund their living expenses while they both pursue degrees in psychology and counseling. This is another prime example why pastors need godly...
In a time when the Christian book industry is flooded by self-help and do-it-yourself Christianity it is always exciting to see good books come off the presses. R.C. Sproul, no newcomer to the Christian publishing business, has released another fine book. I am excited about it because it is a book...
Those of you who know me know of my loyalty to St. Arbucks. I love their strong coffee. I also make a habit of doing much of my sermon preparation at Starbucks. One of the great advantages of this practice is that I am able to meet people who are not a part of the Metro East fellowship. On blessed...
Every society has a “culture” or set of shared beliefs, values, and practices which provides a common approach to understanding and dealing with the larger questions of life. “Where do we come from? What do our lives mean? What is most important in life?” The way those questions are answered will...
Tom Ascol over at Founders has some great thoughts on a recent study by the AP and MTV on young people and happiness ( Young People ).
This is a helpful series of posts dealing specifically with Richard Dawkins spurious attacks on theism ( ::: ::: ). Atheism is growing more popular because of the acceptance of poor arguments, illogic, and flat out distortions of the truth. Christians had better be equiped to...
The Southern Baptist Convention was founded by men who were true theologians. However, with the dawning of the 20th century and the passing of those early founders the theological precision of the SBC began to dull. Southern Baptists became known for bloviating and politicking as much as or more...
Monergism has a link to a list of questions (Top Ten List) that Dr. James White would pose to anyone considering converting from Protestantism to Roman Catholicism.
I have linked to a great article ( Scriptorium Daily ) at Scriptrorium that uses the cartoon strip Calvin and Hobbes as evidence that the link between the medium and the message is much stronger than some think. I have believed for some time that the old addage from the church growth movement that...
The church must never move beyond the Gospel. It seems odd that a church could “lose” the Gospel but it is more common than we dare imagine. So much of the preaching and worship of the church is focused ultimately on what we can do rather than on what God has already done in Christ. Much of...
Because I am often asked about the Emergent Movement I thought I would link to this book review of Brian McLaren's A Generous Orthodoxy ( A Generous Orthodoxy ). McLaren, the most influential of those within the Emergent Movement is often times coy about what he really believes. In this particular...
More on the athiestic evangelism of Richard Dawkins from the fellas at Triablogue ( Godlessness goes kitsch ).
In an article in the July/August issue of “Touchstone” Magazine, James Harrison describes a recent visit to a Mosque in Detroit, Michigan. Harrison, a Baptist pastor from New York, was struck by the variety of people in the mosque that day. He called it a “true rainbow coalition.” Many, he writes,...
More on the Southern Baptist Convention and numbers from the editorial pages of Christianity Today ( Evangelical Conviction ).
This article written for Baptist Press by a professor at Boyce College at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary is worth the read ( (BP) ).
Al Mohler has posted a blog ( Heresy in the Cathedral ) about John Shelby Spong's visit to Australia. If you don't know, Spong is an Anglican from the U.S. whose views are so heretical he would be hard to caracature. Anyway, Peter Jensen, the Anglican Archbishop of Sydney has refused Spong entry... John Piper on the Prosperity "Gospel".
I found this video posted at "Recover the Gospel" ( Allow Me to Reintroduce the Christ. ). It may be a bit unconventional for white suburban Christians but it is powerful. There is more good theology and doxology packed into this presentation than many church goers heard last Sunday in their church.
Tony Kummer over at "Said at Southern" has posted a good interview with Derek Webb ( Derek Webb podcast interview ).
This is a good sign ( Building Bridges: Southern Baptists and Calvinism ).
Section V. God’s Purpose of Grace Election is the gracious purpose of God, according to which he regenerates, justifies, sanctifies, and glorifies sinners. It is consistent with the free agency of man, and comprehends all the means in connection with the end. It is the glorious display of God’s...
In the August issue of SBC Life Morris Chapman comments on the discussion concerning the Baptist Faith and Message at the 2007 Convention in San Antonio. He writes: “Our forefathers had the foresight to determine the core beliefs about which they could agree in order that Southern Baptist churches...
Al Mohler has posted a thought provoking article ( Dr. Mohler's Blog ) on the connection between the health of the family and that of the church.
As many of you know I have almost completed my latest installment of sermons in the Luke series: chapters seven and eight. Beginning September 9th I am excited to launch a series of messages based upon the fresh purpose statement that was composed by the Strategic Ministry Planning Team. The series...
One of the issues I deal with most often in my role as a pastor is the reality of suffering. I am routinely confronted with questions that I cannot answer easily. Often times the answers to human suffering that are made plain in Scripture seem unsatisfactory to many people. But in moments when we...
“One week-night, when I was sitting in the house of God, I was not thinking much about the preacher’s sermon, for I did not believe it. The thought struck me, How did you come to be a Christian? I sought the Lord. But how did you come to seek the Lord? The truth flashed across my mind in a moment...
Ray Van Neste offers some very helpful information on excellent Christian literature for children at this sight ( The Children's Hour ). If you are a parent I think you will find it very helpful.
Richard Dawkins, perhaps the most well known atheist in the western world right now is getting a lot of press. It is very possible that at least one person you know has read or been influenced by his latest book "The God Delusion". Christian Thinker has some good thoughts on Dawkins' famous 747...
Not too long ago former presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton made it known that they were interested in launching a new Baptist denomination that would serve as an alternative to the Southern Baptist Convention. Both men, members of Southern Baptist churches have been famously out of step with...
John Piper, who pastors in Minneapolis, has had some thought provoking meditations on the recent bridge collapse. This link ( Desiring God ) will take you to a response he offered to Rabbi Harold Kushner, author of "When Bad Things Happen to Good People". Kushner was recently interviewed on...
Al Mohler has written about Richard Dawkins new campaign to "out" well known atheists ( Outing Atheists -- Richard Dawkins Launches New Campaign ). His hope is that bringing more atheists into the open will help to popularize their movement. What a fun bunch of folks they must be! Dr. Dawkins is a...
Andreas Kostenberger has posted some information on a few books he has been reading this summer ( Summer Reading ). Of special interest is his reference to the book "Misquoting Truth" by Timothy Paul Jones. For those of you who have seen, heard about, or read the best seller "Misquoting Jesus" by...
“My conscience is captive to the Word of God. Thus I cannot and will not recant, for going against my conscience is neither safe nor salutary. I can do no other, here I stand, God help me.” With those words, Martin Luther sealed his fate as a heretic condemned by no less than Pope Leo himself. If...
The prosperity "gospel" of Creflo Dollar, Kenneth Copeland, Joyce Meyer, etc has decieved millions. This Christianity Today article ( Gospel Riches Christianity Today A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction ) addresses the rise of this demonic doctrine in Africa. Pray for our brothers and sisters in...