Posts by Todd Pruitt

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Living in Genesis for months has been incredibly rewarding. It is a thrill to see all of the doctrines of the New Testament in seed form in the first book of the Bible. One of the books I have been studying is "The Gospel of Genesis" by Warren Gage of Knox Theological Seminary. Earlier this...
It seems that Ted Haggard has too much to do for the Lord to wait for the restoration. Haggard has ended a "spiritual restoration" process that was begun in November after he resigned in disgrace as pastor of New Life Church over a drug and sex scandal. New Life Church released a statement that the...
I have added some new links to the "audio" section. Check out some of the messages from these gifted preachers.
Since the time of Adam and Eve’s rebellion the earth had steadily gotten worse. Some 1600 years had passed from the time of Adam to Noah. During that time sin increased not only in number but in intensity. In Genesis 6:5 we are told these incredibly sober words about mankind: “every intention of... It's interesting that a popular television program is addressing the deep flaws in postmodern spirituality. Tell a dying man that questions are more valuable than answsers and the journey is more important than the destination.
Jim Hamilton has written an excellent article for the latest issue of the Southern Baptist Journal of Theology. Given that we are in a political season this article is timely ( ).
Please be in prayer for Dr. Al Mohler of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He will be undergoing surgery to remove a tumor from his colon. Dr. Mohler has been used greatly by God to help raise up a generation of young ministers who are committed to God and His Word. The remarkable...
I was recently attending a gathering of pastors when I heard the now tired phrase, “For so many years I preached to the already convinced.” This, we are intended to infer, is a bad thing. After all, what could be worse than preaching God’s truth to God’s people? Why would a pastor ever want to...
"Sadly, this is not the church’s finest hour. We live in an age of weak theology and casual Christian conduct. Our knowledge is insufficient, our worship is irreverent, and our lives are immoral. Even the evangelical church has succumbed to the spirit of this age... "Perhaps the simplest way to say...
So, I spent the entire day at home on my back. Whatever I have is acting an aweful lot like flu. I tried to go to be bed at 9:00 unsuccessfully. I finally admited defeat and made a bowl of ramen noodles. Have you ever noticed how salty that stuff is? I feel like I've just been brined like a...
Greg Gilbert has written some very helpful reviews of Rob Bell's Nooma videos ( ). Rob Bell, a leader in the emerging church fad has enormous influence and has even been dubbed the next Billy Graham. That is a comparison I don't understand. In a...
Here is an excellent article by Dr. Danny Akin, President of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary ( ). Oh how I wish all Southern Baptists would adopt Dr. Akin's tone on this issue. Ignorance of theology and the anger that results has caused so...
Phil Johnson posts some helpful insights on the doctrine of Total Depravity ( How Can We Be Held Responsible for Our Own Inability? ).
Last week Karen and I had the opportunity to attend the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington D.C. The first NPB was held during the Eisenhower administration and since that time each prayer breakfast has been attended by the sitting president. It is held at the Washington Hilton and hosts...
Very helpful discussion from "The White Horse Inn" radio program ( ). The topic that the guys are discussing ought to be a great concern to Christians. What is passed off as "gospel" in many of our churches and...
When I attended Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Kansas City it was during its days as a “moderate” theological institution. In fact, it was liberal. Those days have changed thankfully. Indeed the year after I graduated (1995) a new president came on the scene and many needed faculty...
Here is an article from "The Telegraph" ( ) concerning controversial statements by Rowan Williams the Archbishop of Canterbury (the leader of the Church of England). Has Williams truly lost his mind? Does he honestly...
Here are two very thought-provoking posts on music in the church from "Church Matters" ( ) & ( ). I strongly encourage you to read these posts. I believe our thoughts about music in the church...
When you get a chance, check out these excellent lectures by Craig Blomberg on Youtube ( =). Dr. Blomberg is one of our most helpful New Testament scholars.
I will be out of pocket until Friday. Karen and I have the wonderful opportunity to attend the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington. It should be an interesting time. I look forward to posting on the events this weekend.
Recently,thousands of liberal Baptists (not the funnest group of folks) gathered in Atlanta, Georgia to celebrate the fact that they are not Southern Baptists. Anyway, former presidents Carter and Clinton made good on their threat to no longer be Southern Baptists. Of course, I don't know who was...
On April 4th and 5th Metro East will be pleased to host Paul Tripp. His seminar, "Marriage: There Really is a Better Way" promises to be outstanding. Paul Tripp is a noted author, lecturer, and preacher. His books are well worth reading. This is a video concerning his newest book "A Quest For More...
This is an exellent forum on the importance of the doctrine of creation from the Southern Baptist Journal of Theology ( ).
This morning I preached from Genesis 6:9-22. It is the opening of the flood narrative. I prefer “flood narrative” to “Noah and the Ark” because the later has taken on the aura of a children’s fable. It has become the stuff of sappy movies and wallpaper borders. The church has taken a largely Mother...
Denny Burk comments on Rick Warren's recent appearance on The Colbert Report ( ). Any thoughts?
George Whitefield offered this prayer generations ago. How relevant it is for our own time. “Yea…that we shall see the great Head of the Church once more . . . raise up unto Himself certain young men whom He may use in this glorious employ. And what manner of men will they be? Men mighty in the...
On January 7, 1855 the 20 year old pastor of New Park Street Chapel in Southwark (London) opened his morning sermon with these words: "The highest science, the loftiest speculation, the mightiest philosophy, which can ever engage the attention of a child of God, is the name, the nature, the person...
There is always someone doing worse than you ( ).
Paul Tripp has written a very encouraging article that is posted at Keith and Kristen Getty's website ( ). Metro East is honored to be hosting Paul on April 4th and 5th for his conference "Marriage, There Really is a Better Way." You can learn more about Paul...
“When man began to multiply on the face of the land and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of man were attractive. And they took as their wives any they chose. Then the Lord said, ‘My Spirit shall not abide in man forever, for his is flesh: his days shall be 120... You can access the Whitehorse Inn website from this blog.
Nathan Pitchford has written some excellent thoughts on the relationship between unity and doctrinal precision ( ).
Denny Burk posts this very disturbing article ( ). There is also a link to comments from Al Mohler.
Listen to parts one and two of this powerful talk by Scott Klusendorf ( ).
Michael Horton writes two very insiteful articles on Joel Osteen's theology here ( ) and here ( ). John Piper offers this MUCH needed response to "A Word Between Us and You." For those of you unfamiliar with the document, it is an attempt between prominent Christians to forge common ground with Muslims. However, their approach is quite troubling. Piper's response...
The journal "First Things" ran this disturbing (disgusting) statement from Oprah's candidate ( ). Read and weep (literally).
I saw this posted over at Triablogue ( Lost and Found Report ). It is nice to be reminded that ours is not a blind faith. God has and continues to work in history and there is a long trail of evidence left behind.
Justin Taylor posted this very sad statistic ( The Number of Children Aborted in the U.S. since 1973. ).
Does this seem odd to anyone? ( ) This is just for fun. Brian Regan is one of my favorite comics.
Al Mohler on the tendency among postmoderns to dethrone Jesus ( ).
Wyman Richardson responds to Southwestern Baptist Seminary's latest take on what it means to be a "Texas Baptist" ( ). Now I know why Paige Patterson hired Malcolm Yarnell.
"Truth or Consequences" posted this troubling news: ( ). Schuller has long been heterodox. He denies the uniqueness of Christ and His exclusive claims as the only way to the Father. He denies what Scripture teaches about...