Posts by Todd Pruitt

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Timmy Brister posts an effective rejoinder to Bill Wagner's assertions about Calvinists and evangelism.
Okay, so maybe I’m not having the best day. Maybe I’m a little sensitive to these kinds of issues today but reading Michael Horton’s article in this month’s issue of Modern Reformation makes we want to scream. Horton writes: "Based on numerous studies conducted by his research group, evangelical...
"God's love is stern, for it expresses holiness in the lover and seeks holiness for the beloved. Scripture does not allow us to suppose that because God is love we may look to him to confer happiness on people who will not seek holiness or to shield his loved ones from trouble when he knows that...
Tom Ascol has posted these observations concerning an upcoming conferece at FBC Woodstock.
This is a pretty fair reflection of my thinking on the issue.
Funny Stuff from Timmy Brister.
The proclamation of the Scriptures is the chief means by which God builds His church. P.T. Forsyth wrote, "It is, perhaps, an overbold beginning, but I will venture to say that with its preaching Christianity stands and falls." I don't think Forsyth was overstating the matter. God uses means and...
Monergism has a collection of great resources for discipling children. There are about 80 products referenced so take your time and shop for something that would work for your family.
The sexual revolution is coming home to roost. This report really should come as no surprise. We have the most sexually educated generation in American history and the most sexually adventurous/irresponsible generation. Perhaps there is a connection. Could the National Education Association,...
Rick Philips has posted these helpful thoughts about church vision statements.
The Scriptures are the primary means by which God sanctifies His people. Sanctification is the work of God to make His people holy. He promises to do this (Rom 8:29; I Cor 6:11; Phil 1:6; Heb 13:12). And like so many of the things God does He sanctifies His people through the use of means...
Further evidence that the Anglican Church in Canada has lost their marbles.
Some of my favorite books dealing with the crucifixion of Jesus: Intermediate Cross Words by Paul Wells The Cross of Christ by John Stott The Atonement by Leon Morris Mission Accomplished by Michael Horton The Seven Sayings... by A.W. Pink The Message of the Cross by Derek Tidball From Glory to...
"And taking with him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, he began to be sorrowful and troubled. Then he said to them, 'My soul is very sorrowful, even to death; remain here, and watch with me.' And going a little farther he fell on his face and prayed saying, 'My Father, if it be possible, let this...
Biblical exposition is the means by which God produces faith in the hearts of sinners. This sounds strange and unnecessarily narrow in a day when the church places such high priority on subjective experience and popular Christian books promise to help us hear from God in new and exciting ways. But...
Justin Taylor posted this article from Douglas Groothuis( "Evangelicals, for God's Sake, Please Wake Up" ).
Sam Storms new book, The Hope of Glory , is a series of 100 daily readings through the book of Colossians. It is a model of practical, theological, doxological, and devotional Bible study. Take and read!
Read this powerful letter to Barack Obama from Sherif Girgis, Princeton student and Rhodes Scholar ( =).
The health of the church depends upon the faithful preaching and teaching of God’s Word. It is, after all, from the Bible that we learn who God is and how He accomplished redemption for sinners through the sacrificial death of His Son. It is by the proclamation of the Word of God that sinners come...
Phil Johnson on "the Down Grade" of our time ( Pyromaniacs: Gospel Lite ).
While out and about yesterday I was listening to "Family Life Today" on the car radio. They were airing an interview with Gracia Burnham who I am blessed to serve as pastor. She was recounting the year she spent in captivity in the jungle with her husband Martin. It is an amazing and terrifying...
Having been so strongly influenced by premellinial dispensationalism most evangelicals have little knowlege of or appreciation for God's radically new administration of the new covenant. Prominent preachers like John Hagee have gone so far as to say that Jesus is not Israel's Messiah. Indeed, some... Jason over at FideO posted this. Great stuff.
Derek Thomas has some good thoughts on the continuity of heavenly and earthly worship ( ).
Obama is consistently wrong on the most pressing moral issue of our time ( ).
Ed Welch is a PhD is neuropsychology and the director of the School of Biblical Counseling at the Christian Counseling Educational Foundation. Welch is also a self described "fear specialist." In his latest book, Running Scared Welch brings a refreshing honesty about his own tendency toward worry...
Check out this month's IX Marks Journal ( ). It is an excellent edition. The main theme is Christian unity - How much unity is possible among brothers and sisters who disagree over doctrinal matters? What are doctrinal "essentials"? What are doctrinal "non-essentials?" Great...
"There have been periods in history when the preservation of the very life of the Church depended upon the capacity and readiness of certain great leaders to differentiate truth from error and boldly to hold fast to the good and to reject the false. But our generation does not like anything of the...
He shall not be afraid of evil tidings: his heart is fixed, trusting in the Lord. Psalm 112:7 "Suspense is dreadful. When we have no news from home, we are apt to grow anxious and we cannot be persuaded that 'no news is good news.' Faith is the cure for this condition of sadness: the Lord by his... Planned Parenthood has not strayed far from Margaret Sanger's founding princples.
Justin Taylor has posted this profound quote by atheist Richard Rorty ( Theological Liberalism ). Rorty understands theological liberalism better than most "moderate" or "liberal" Christians.
Under the "audio" section of this blog I have posted a link to a series of lectures given by Al Mohler at Dallas Theological Seminary called "The New Atheism." They are outstanding. Check them out when you get a chance.
"The fact of the presence of the Holy One among us is the basis of three practical principles. "First , 'Be holy, for I am holy'. At one level, our holiness is the condition of His presence. Our unholiness repels Him. But the reasoning is probably deeper than that. To be unholy is to run the risk...
"We live in a church culture that tends to separate biblical commands and principles from the rest of Scripture. We look at specific verses about communication and seek to apply them to our lives without understanding the way they are rooted in the history and theology of Scripture. We miss the big... On Sunday Larry Norman the "Father of Christian Rock" died. Norman's heyday was when Christian music was truly interesting and the artists were truly interested in ministry and evangelism (Keith Green, 2nd Chapter of Acts, Randy Stonehill, etc).
Does the Church Replace Israel? by Dr. Arturo Azurdia III "And to the angel of the church in Smyrna write: The first and the last, who was dead, and has come to life, says this: 'I know your tribulation and your poverty (but you are rich), and the blasphemy by those who say they are Jews and are...
“To that righteousness is the eye of the believer ever to be directed; on that righteousness must he rest; on that righteousness must he live; on that righteousness must he die; in that righteousness must he appear before the judgment-seat; in that righteousness must he stand for ever in the...
John Piper on why he trusts the Bible: ( ).
There is a need among Christians to conform their view of the world to the Word of God. This has become clear to me as I have been preaching through Genesis. In particular I have seen how many Christians have a less than biblical view of nature. The problem is that too many Christians see nature as... Alister Begg spoke these words almost 10 years ago. How relevant his words continue to be.
Justin Taylor posts some excellent thougts from Os Guinness on the silliness of Christian victimhood in the U.S. ( Guinness on the Religious Right Playing the Victim Card ).
"Whether God come to his children with a rod or a crown, if he come himself with it, it is well. Welcome, welcome Jesus, what may soever thou come, if we can get a sight of thee: and sure I am, it is better to be sick, providing Christ come to the bedside and draw the curtains, and say, Courage, I...
a humble cry for biblical pastoral leadership within the church
Founders Ministries Blog: 2nd VP of SBC, Eric Redmond, to speak at Founders Breakfast
Bart Barber has posted these words from the welcome material that guests receive when visiting his church: So, you’re looking for a church home. What does First Baptist Church have to offer you? We offer you a cross to take up as Christ’s disciple. We offer you the chance to forfeit your vacation...
There is so much wrong with this guy's attitude that I don't even know where to begin ( ). God save your church from foolish shepherds! Give her shepherds who will lead her humbly. Give her shepherds who will understand the purpose of the church. Give her...
Good thoughts on the sufficiency of God's Word over at Pyromaniancs ( What if someone claims an angelic visitation? ).
Justin Taylor has provided a link to two outstanding books for instructing and discipling chidlren ( My First Books ).
One of the problems with many contemporary incarnations of Christianity is the casual stance they often encourage in approaching God. This “chumminess” has infected the church’s worship, preaching, and prayer. God is seen as more friendly than holy. He is portrayed as a jilted lover who wants...