Posts by Todd Pruitt

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Check out this post by Kim Riddlebarger. He makes an excellent case for "amillenialsim." Actually, amillenialism is a poor name because it implies that those who hold to the historic doctrine do not believe in Christ's reign. Clearly, this is not true. However, it is a clear departure from what has...
With his latest comments Barack Obama has once again shown himself to be a true extremist when it comes to abortion. Check out this article by Michael Gerson entitled "Obama's Abortion Extremism."
This video and commentary was posted by Thabiti over at "Pure Church." What saddens me most in all this is the number of nice "Christian" people who drink down this pleasant poison.
Biblical exposition teaches biblical theology Biblical theology is that branch of theological study which focuses on God’s progressive revelation through biblical history. As a discipline, Biblical Theology is vital for its focus on the big picture of the Bible. It guards the Christian from...
This post from Tom Ascol made me laugh.
For all her flaws the church is the bride of Christ. What a beautiful metaphor. Every time I criticize the church I cannot help but be reminded of how much the Lord His bride. I think it's easy to love the idea of church but when it comes to the specific people who make up the congregation to which...
Oprah wants to change the world. Her pagan spirituality is often embraced by undiscerning Christians who drink up what she says. Make no mistake. Oprah's promotion of pagan writers and teachers like Wayne Dyer, Marrianne Williamson, and Eckhart Tolle has served to advance eastern mysticism among...
Check out this great article in the latest issue of Modern Reformation .
This is an interesting article about the preaching of Tadd Grandstaff pastor of Pine Ridge Church . I think a lot about preaching, corporate worship, and the church. I hope we can agree that it matters what we say about Jesus. Any thoughts about the rock star stuff?
Tomorrow I am preaching from Genesis 11:1-9. It’s the account of Nimrod, the people of Shinar, and their quest to build a great city with a tower reaching into heaven. They were building, we are told, in order to make a name for themselves. They were seeking to bridge the gap between man and God by...
For an advocate of liberation theology Jeremiah Wright knows how to live in high style. As one who regularly decried the materialism of "rich white folks" Reverend Wright has certainly cashed in. Timmy Brister posts this report on the recently retired pastor's new digs. As Timmy points out, this...
Recently Al Mohler aired an interview he did with Eric Redmond, pastor of Hillcrest Baptist Church . The topic is black liberation theology and the state of theology among African American Christians. It is worth listening to.
Sinclair Ferguson writes for the academy, the laity, and even children. He is also one of my favorite preachers . This scene from Easter Sunday at Granger Community Church raises some interesting questions about the purpose of our corporate gatherings. Any thoughts?
Craig Blomberg, one of our most important New Testament scholars, has written an excellent article entitled "Jesus of Nazareth: How Historians Can Know Him and Why It Matters." The article was posted by The Gospel Coalition . If you would like to read more by Dr. Blomberg, here are just a few of...
This was posted over at Pure Church. I so identify with these words that I had to post them. This is an excerpt are from Don Carson's excellent book Memoirs of an Ordinary Pastor (pp. 92-93). "So many aspects of ministry demand excellence, and there are not enough hours in the day to be excellent...
God willing, in a few weeks the MEBC pastoral staff will pack up and go to Together For The Gospel . Here are some highlights from the 2006 conference. What a blessed time that was!
I found this posted over at Paleoevangelical. Mark Dever read this same passage at the Gospel Growth conference in October. It’s from C.S. Lovett’s little book “Soul Winning Made Easy.” It represents so much of what was wrong in evangelism training in the past. It also raises some important...
Tim Challies offers this helpful review of John Eldredge's new book. If you would like to learn more about the biblical teachings regarding God's guidance check out: Discovering God's Will by Sinclair Ferguson Finding The Will of God by Bruce Waltke
The ordination service for Kris McGee was a blessed time. It was great to hear more about the church plant in Kansas City. I was also moved by the words of Kris' brother John. Thanks to all those who made it a special time for the McGees.
Russell Moore has written a helpful article on the Jeremiah Wright (Obama's pastor) hubub.
Excellent introductions to Christian theology and living: I love these books because of their biblical faithfulness and readability. You do not need a seminary degree to fully appreciate and benefit from these wonderful books. I would encourage you to add them to your personal library. A Faith To...
Thomas Madden wrote a terrific response on National Review Online to last year's outrageous and now almost fully discredited "documentary" which aired on The Discovery Channel. If you recall there was much buzz about the supposed discovery of Jesus' ossuary (bone box).
In a field where the notion of God has been completely removed there is little room left for questions of right and wrong. Ethics become entirely utilitarian: if it can be done then it is good. Check out this story from Reuters.
"And you, who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made alive together with Him, having forgiven us all our trespasses, by cancelling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This He set aside, nailing it to the cross. He disarmed the rulers...
John Piper offers some helpful insights about the oft repeated legend that Jesus went to hell for a time after He died.
This is a fascinating article from Slate on why Easter is more resistent to commercialism than Christmas.
Check out the temporary website for Redeemer Fellowship in Kansas City. Redeemer Fellowship is the church that Kris McGee is planting with Kevin Cawley. We are excited about Kris' new ministry. What a privilege it was to ordain Kris into the gospel ministry on Sunday evening. I will post pictures...
The great Puritan Thomas Boston on the doctrine of man's inability . This is worth reading.
USA Today on whether or not we have lost the notion of sin.
In the latest issue of Touchstone an article by Michael Horton levels a critical eye on the contemporary fad for churches to have extraordinary pastors. As an extraordinarily ordinary pastor I feel that pressure regularly. Many of the conferences marketed to pastors today are led by sparkling,...
Check out this website . "The Reason For God" is currently on the NY Times bestseller list. I recommend it not only as a means to equip believers for the work of evangelism but also as a tool to pass along to skeptical friends and family members. This is Dylan from 1980. Okay, so his voice is an aquired taste but the man wrote some amazing gospel songs back in the day.
Take time to listen to this important lecture by Graeme Goldsworthy from his time at Southern Seminary this week. Goldsworthy is one of the church's most important writers and teachers. His work on the centrality of the Gospel in biblical interpretation and preaching is desperately needed in the...
These are from a year and a half ago when we spent some time at Lake of the Ozarks. My boys are pretty serious about their water sports.
Biblical exposition teaches proper biblical interpretation. So many theological errors today are the result of poor skills in biblical interpretation. Expositional preaching and teaching is a means not only to teach the content of the Bible but how to interpret it properly. Some of the best lessons...
Take time to listen to this excellent discussion on The White Horse Inn. My experience in pastoral ministry for 20 years only confirms the observations of the panel. The American church is awash in neo-gnosticism. We have become as subjective in our approach to truth as non-believers. I know what...
I thought this was hilarious! Is there anyone who could send this to Al Gore?
Russell Moore has written a disturbing post on a decision made by a Christian children's curriculum publisher to leave out the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ because it is too scary for pre-schoolers. This actually should come as no surprise. The sermons and lessons that people are...
Tedd Tripp's new book looks great. It is the follow up to Shepherding a Child's Heart .
This article by Tim Keller explains much about why I preach the way I do. I fear that most evangelicals hear therapeutic moralism on Sundays rather than a faithful Christ-centered exposition of Scripture. The difference is radical. In typical contemporary evangelicalism the gospel is something... Also, Keller's newest book "The Reason for God" is now on the New York Times bestseller list. That's a good thing!
Paul Tripp answers questions about his new book "A Quest for More." I also highly recommend his books "Instruments in the Redeemer's Hands" and "How People Change" co-authored with Tim Lane. Metro East is looking forward to hosting Paul Tripp on April 4th and 5th for his conference, "Marriage,...
I am preaching from Psalm 22 tomorrow. The Psalm provides profound insights into Jesus' sufferings on the cross. It is also a Psalm of complaint. David does more than cry out to God for help. He questions, even complains about God's seeming absence and slowness to respond. Ultimately the Psalmist...
Al Mohler suggests a structure for "Theological Triage." This article from the latest edition of the 9 Marks Journal offers important insight on knowing how to distinguish between first order and second order doctrines.
An excellent article by Graeme Goldsworthy on the Old Testament. Goldsworthy's book According to Plan is essential reading for a better understanding of the Bible. Take and Read!
Ronald Kessler at The Wall Street Journal has written an interesting article on Barack Obama's controversial pastor. I wonder if a Republican candidate would be advancing toward the White House if his pastor spewed forth such racist venom?
Trevin Wax offers this good reminder in the pages of Christianity Today.
Biblical exposition protects the church from error. It is always tempting for the preacher to tell people what they want to hear. Popularity has its advantages. Because of this, preaching is often more a reflection of popular fads than it is an exposition of Scripture. In his penetrating critique...