Posts by Todd Pruitt

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Steve Camp has an excellent post on our responsibility to the body of Christ ( ...strengthening our commitment to the household of faith ). The church is not merely one commitment to juggle along with all the others. Upon conversion God grafts his people into the body of Christ. God loves the...
Jim at "Old Truth" posted some thoughts that I think are worthy of conversation ( ). What do you think?
Gene Bridges has written a very thought-provoking article on baptism ( When to Baptize And A Note on the "Altar Call." ). This is an important warning for us baptists. Notice the list of baptist leaders and theologians and their ages at baptism. Any thoughts?
Here is a link to an excellent article by theologian Roger Nicole on how to deal with those with whom we differ ( ).
More good stuff from Thabiti and J.I. Packer ( Calvinists Who Don't Know They Are, 2 ). I love Packer's line, "On our feet we may have arguments about it, but on our knees we are all agreed."
Al Mohler responded to a letter that appeared in the New York Times in December. The letter, endorsed by some 300 Christian leaders called for understanding between Muslims and Christians based upon their sharing common ground. Baptist Press reported on Mohler's response (
“What matters supremely is not, in the last analysis, the fact that I know God, but the larger fact which underlies it–the fact that he knows me. I am graven on the palms of his hands. I am never out of his mind. "All my knowledge of him depends on his sustained initiative in knowing me. I know him...
“Disregard the study of God, and you sentence yourself to stumble and blunder through life blindfolded, as it were, with no sense of direction and no understanding of what surrounds you. This way you can waste your life and lose your soul.” J.I. Packer from Knowing God
Some thought-provoking observations from J.I. Packer and one of my favorite bloggers ( Calvinists Who Don't Know They Are, 1 ).
Phil Johnson offers a good observation on the emergent tendency to avoide statements of faith ( "No Statement of Belief"#links#links ).
I am excited about the Literary Study Bible published by Crossway. After spening some time in its pages I can say honestly that it is my favorite study Bible. If you desire a tool that will help you read and understand the Bible then this is it. The copious study notes by Leland and Phil Ryken (...
Between Two Worlds has a link to some excellent thoughts on Jonathan Edwards ( What It Means to Hear and Be Influenced by Jonathan Edwards ).
Another passage from David Clotfelter's excellent book "Sinners in the Hands of a Good God": "We have attended conferences and learned to market our churches. We have imitated the cell-church movement. We have spoken in tongues, listened to self-proclaimed prophets, and pursued signs and wonders...
Justin Taylor links to a moving article by Richard Philips about the experience of losing a baby ( Losing a Baby ). I encourage you to read pastor Philip's article and pass it along to those you know who have experienced a similar loss.
Tom Ascol at Founders has linked to article on the upcoming nomination of Dr. Al Mohler for SBC President ( Jeffress to nominate Mohler for SBC President ). Imagine - a theologian as president of the SBC!
On January 1, 1937 J. Gresham Machen died. “Born in 1881, J. Gresham Machen grew up in an educated, well-to-do Presbyterian family in Baltimore. He majored in classics at Johns Hopkins University and graduated first in his class in 1901. He then entered the graduate program but after one year...
Justin Taylor has provided a link to the latest 9Marks Ministry Newsletter on corporate prayer. ( 9Marks Newsletter on Corporate Prayer ). Please enjoy and benefit from these articles.
In his outstanding book, Sinners in the Hands of a Good God , David Clotfelter carefully distinguishes between the god of sentimental western moralism and the holy God who reveals Himself in Scripture. The author presents George MacDonald, the great 19th century writer as representative of the...
From heaven above to earth I come To bear good news to every home; Glad tidings of great joy I bring, Whereof I now will say and sing: To you this night is born a child Of Mary, chosen virgin mild; This little child, of lowly birth, Shall be the joy of all the earth. This is the Christ, our God and...
Denny Burk has posted a link to the Fox News Sunday interview with Joel Osteen ( ).
Joel Osteen appeard on Fox News Sunday this week with Chris Wallace. Consistent with Osteen's many other TV appearances, the results were sad. Here is part of the exchange: WALLACE: And what about Mitt Romney? And I've got to ask you the question, because it is a question whether it should be or...
Tom Ascol at Founders has written a very thoughtful response to a 60 Minutes interview of New England Patriot's quarterback Tom Brady ( Tom Brady, your questions have answers ). It is a model of faithful evangelism.
Russel Moore of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary has posted a very disturbing look into the heart of Planned Parenthood ( ). When a people become accustomed to killing the weakest among them then their collective conscience becomes...
This was posted by Marc over at Purgatorio ( ). I love this!
Thabiti Anywabile has written a very thought-provoking post on whether or not Christians should include Santa Claus in their Christmas observance ( Down with Santa Claus! ).
Over the past two years I have thought, read, prayed, and talked a lot about the nature of the Gospel – its content and implications for life and ministry. This was a central component to the work of the Strategic Ministry Planning Team. If you read “By His Grace and For His Glory,” the report from... More from "Behold The Lamb of God" by Andrew Peterson and friends.
Tom Ascol of Founders has posted a link to an Interview with Kevin Larson: an axed Missouri Baptist church planter .
This is letter pastor Chris Elrod of Compass Point Community Church wrote to his congregation ( ). I applaud his courage in doing the right thing. I hope many more will follow his lead.
Wade Bureleson weighs in on the Missouri Baptist Convention and the abstinence debate ( The Danger of Casually Dismissing Scripture When Defining 'True' Christianity ).
Dr. Mark Divine has written a very helpful article on the key differences between the Acts 29 church planting ministry and the emerging church movement ( ). Divine submitted his report to the Missouri Baptist Convention Executive...
This is an excellent collection of essays on Regeneration or The New Birth ('s/nbirfg.pdf ).
Use music to teach your children theology ( ).
Good stuff from "The World From Our Window" on the expectations that many of us carry with us to the corporate gatherings of God's people ( Kent Hughes on Performance Enhanced Worship ).
Between Two Worlds has a link to a great sale on ESV Bibles ( WTS Books: All ESVs 45% Off ). Andrew Peterson's "Behold the Lamb of God" is a truly great Christmas album. It serves as a kind of primer on biblical history. The songs point to God's good hand of providence moving from the first inklings of Messiah in the Old Testament to the birth narratives to...
I have often heard it said that God never violates man's free will. I'm not sure how that statement is squared with Scripture. These words from Jonathan Edwards help to shed light on that idea ( ).
Paul Martin has posted a review of Rick Phillips excellent book "Jesus the Evangelist" ( Jesus the Evangelist by Rick Phillips ). Phillips is one of my favorite preachers. This book, like all of his books, is a great example of sound theology and motivating application.
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary has posted some outstanding messages. Follow this link ( ) and you will find the messages from the Building Bridges Conference which are worth the hearing. It includes Al Mohler's message which was thought to...
I have a few rules for devotional books: 1. They must be biblical. A good devotional book will be guided by God's Word. It is not simply a thought for the day from someone who happens to be a Christian. 2. They must drive the reader further into the Scriptures. A good devotional book needs to be a...
This is a helpful post from Pure Church ( How to Spend a Day with God ). Check it out.
Justin Taylor has posted links to a few "best books" lists ( Best Books of 2007? ).
Tom Ascol over at Founders links to an article ( Missouri Baptists axe Acts 29 ) about a recent decision by the Missouri Baptist Convention to refuse support to any Southern Baptist church plants that are connected to the Acts 29 Network. Acts 29 is a church planting ministry originating from Mars...
“There is a kind of faith that comes from seeing miraculous signs, but true faith comes through the words of Scripture and the words of Jesus… ‘Now while He was in Jerusalem at the Passover Feast, many people saw the miraculous signs He was doing and believed in His name. But Jesus would not...