Posts by Robert Brady

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The Reformation's return to Sola Scriptura was a return to the ultimate authority of God's Word. Many of the major Reformed confessions include complete listings of the Old and New Testament Canon for a significant purpose. Why? Because if God's Word has ultimate authority, then one needs to know...
On July 18 the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals began airing Eric Alexander's sermons on the Book of Revelation on the Hear the Word of God Podcast . Of all the books of the Bible, the Book of Revelation has received diverse attention from the Christian world. In this rich study, Rev. Alexander...
A shift has taken place in recent years—as Christians, we find ourselves suddenly living not merely in a world that is indifferent to the Gospel but one that is distinctively anti-Christian. Christian beliefs are often regarded in the West as immoral and dangerous. This situation is nothing new to...
If you are attending the PCA General Assembly June 10-14 in Richmond, VA, be sure to stop by Booth 416 to say hi. I will be there giving away copies of I Have a Confession: The What and Why of the Westminster Confession of Faith by pastor and Place for Truth contributor Nathan Eshelman . Working to...
Download the free apps for The Bible Study Hour and Dr. Barnhouse & the Bible for clear biblical teaching from Dr. Boice and Barnhouse anytime, anywhere on Apple and Android devices. Create an account to unlock featured messages. The current featured messages through June 30th are: The Bible...
Christians belong to God’s kingdom but live in earthly realms that celebrate radically different loves and priorities. In this new edition from P&R Publishing, James Boice highlights the dangers we face—dangers familiar to God’s people throughout the millennia—while offering practical, biblical...
Back in 2013, Carl Trueman and Todd Pruitt launched Mortification of Spin, sharing a microphone in a small underground bunker, shooting the breeze as the British like to say. Their first episode, " Rock Star Pastors in Las Vegas ," aired February 8, 2013, and received 502 plays. Some of their early...
Did you know the Alliance Podcast Network is now available on YouTube? You can listen to any of the Alliance podcasts on any device, including your Smart TV, media player, game console, phone, tablet, or computer. Additionally, you will find Alliance events, interviews, updates, and more on the...
Join us for the first Gap Bible Seminar of the spring semester, April 12-13, in Gap, PA. Robert Letham will teach four sessions on the Holy Spirit and His work in the Bible and today. Robert is a Presbyterian minister with twenty-five years of pastoral experience. He was formerly a professor of...
The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals has a rich treasury of sermons from throughout our 75-year history. We want these messages to have maximum impact on the Church. One of our key goals is to construct a reliable and searchable database that is easily accessible to our supporters and listeners...
Jeremiah 6:16 says, “ Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it ." The messages from the 1993 Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology look at the “old paths” – what they must mean to us now and with a concern for our present...
Download the free Alliance app—available on Apple and Android devices — to read, watch, and listen to the wealth of content and resources from the Alliance anytime! Quickly access broadcasts, podcasts, articles, and devotionals like The Bible Study Hour, Mortification of Spin, reformation21, Place...
“If any of you lacks wisdom,” the apostle James writes, “let him ask of God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given to him.” We all need wisdom, don’t we? And we especially need the wisdom that God provides through His life-giving Word. The book of Proverbs is a...
Before going to be with the Lord in early 2023, Rev. Eric Alexander began partnering with the Alliance to publish and widely share his sermons and some of his written work. You may be listening to his podcast Hear the Word of God , which was added to the Alliance Podcast Network in 2023. This year...
Starting on Sunday, January 28th, The Bible Study Hour will broadcast messages from James Boice’s classic study in the book of Romans titled How Should We Then Live? In this series from Romans 12, Dr. Boice applies some of the great, practical doctrines from the previous 11 chapters to our lives...
" Only hold fast what you have until I come. The one who conquers and who keeps my works until the end, to him I will give authority over the nations " — Revelation 2:25-26 A shift has taken place in recent years that Christians need to understand: we find ourselves suddenly living not merely in a...
In partnership with the Alliance, the Blue Ridge Institute for Theological Education (BRITE) will host its sixth annual winter seminar, Kingdom Living in a Hostile Age: Biblical and Social Ethics , January 18-20, 2024, featuring author and retired professor Dr. T. David Gordon. Come to the Blue...
Thank you to everyone who has supported the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals through prayers and gifts in 2023. You have a tremendous impact with every gift, helping to stem the tide of secularism in our culture and even our churches. It is a difficult time for believers. The American culture...
Don’t miss the Christmas messages on The Bible Study Hour this month. On December 17, James Boice takes us to Genesis 3:15 and points to the source where we find the true joy of the season in his message “Christmas in Eden.” And on Christmas Eve, join Dr. Boice as he looks at a passage not often...
Thank you to everyone who supported the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals on Giving Tuesday. The gifts we received exceeded the $10,000 match offered, raising a total of $30,920.86. Alliance broadcasts, events, and publishing are possible because of prayerful, generous support. We are grateful...
Don’t miss Theology Thursday on the Alliance YouTube channel beginning Thursday, July 13 at 7:30 p.m. EDT. Our hope is that you will find refreshing, edifying content that is useful for yourself, your church, and your family and friends. Be sure to share it so even more people can benefit from the...
Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology Online
This is a special weekend at the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals! Friday and Saturday, June 23 and 24, will be an online edition of the Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology, Here We Stand: The Five Solas of the Reformation . Kevin DeYoung, Richard Phillips, Philip Ryken, and Geoffrey...
The Alliance is privileged to add Hear the Word of God , featuring the teaching ministry of Rev. Eric Alexander, to the Alliance Podcast Network . Known for his Christ-centered, spirit-filled preaching, Eric will be familiar to many Alliance members and long-time attendees of the Philadelphia...
Trembling Joy by Ryan Speck
What if worship style were more than a matter of personal taste? In Trembling Joy , Pastor Ryan Speck answers that question by turning to the Scriptures, showing how God's definition and description of worship should impact our own. As Ryan states in his introduction, one of his goals in writing...
Imagine a podcast where kids talk about the people, big events, and amazing stories in church history. The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is excited to announce Kids Talk Church History—a new podcast in partnership with author and historian Simonetta Carr. This one-of-a-kind podcast features...
Mark Daniels discusses what's happening with events, broadcasts, and publishing in the March Alliance Member Update. PCRT in Grand Rapids has come and gone, but registration for the Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology in Bryn Mawr is open. Register today ! Did you know that this year the...
Mark Daniels tells us what's new this month, as only he can. Find out more about Made in God's Image , the 2022 Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology. Gap Bible Series is coming up in April, May, and June. Listen to The Bible Study Hour . Have Dr. Boice's devotional Think and Act Biblically...
Mark Daniels with the Alliance Member Update for December. Would you consider becoming a Friend of the Alliance in 2022? Visit Reformed Resources Have you downloaded the Apps ? Subscribe to the Think and Act Biblically Devotional . Subscribe to the Matthew Henry Prayer Devotional . Devotional Sale...
On Tuesday, pastor James Coates of Grace Life Church in Edmonton, Alberta, turned himself in to the police after failing to comply with COVID health regulations—which include limiting church attendance to 15 percent capacity. Coates was offered release on the condition that he refrain from...
The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is an alliance of many speakers and writers (contributors) standing on Reformed confessionality and biblical fidelity, and desiring nothing more than to serve the Church. This post is motivated by the recent action of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals...
The Alliance has a unique opportunity to multiply your financial support this month. On November 18, for 24-hours only, we will once again be participating in the Lancaster Foundation ExtraOrdinary Give. Donations made to the Alliance through our ExtraOrdinary Give web page on that day will receive...
Reformation21 contributor Rob Ventura was recently interviewed on the podcast Calvinist Batman. He was joined by Brian Borgman, his co-author on the book Spiritual Warfare: A Biblical and Balanced Perspective . Listen as they discuss Ephesians 6 and what spiritual warfare really is. The podcast is...
How should Christians act and speak in the midst of this loud and divisive political season? While websites devoted to politics and news give you the latest buzz, polls, and minute-by-minute analysis, you will find Place for Truth slightly different, dare I say refreshingly different. Place for...
When storms come (and they will), where are you anchored? Do you toss to and fro by the waves, or does your anchor hold? Salvation is anchored in grace, rooted in God's favor toward us in his Son, the Lord Christ. reformation21 contributor Jeremy Walker's new book, Anchored in Grace: Fixed Points...
Do you ever feel like life doesn't get any easier? The world is throwing you punches and all you can do is duck and dodge? Do you feel like just living day-to-day is like a climb uphill?
 Your spiritual life should be a battle! The writer of Hebrews tells us to "hold fast to the confession of our...
Alliance members like you advance God's Word across the world through the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals publishing. Decades ago the Cambridge Declaration pointed to the decline of the evangelical church. That decline continues today and, many would argue, has only gotten worse. Secularism and...
Thoughtful Christians like you are standing up and demanding Biblical doctrine in its most clear fashion, straight-forward tone, with no compromise to the world. If you've ever been to the Texas Hill Country Bible Conference , you have received it in all its God glorifying ways! Thank you so much...
The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals has a long history. Much of its recent history has been on the Internet. The first AllianceNet was built in 1997, in 2005 and , , and just last year. Go now to visit...
Thank you for partnering with the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals . Resourcing the Church would not be possible without Alliance Members help. You see both the need in today's culture centric church and the value of Alliance resources. Your support keeps us sharing the Gospel! As partners in...
Contributor and Pastor Rob Ventura, Grace Community Baptist Church and several area churches will be hosting another year of the Southern New England Reformation Conference in North Providence Rhode Island. This year's topic is The Gospel. I had the chance to speak with Rob and we explored both the...
The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is serious about proclaiming Biblical doctrine in order to foster a Reformed awakening in the Church today. We go about that in very deliberate and (usually) very careful ways. We are always serious about how we handle those great truths of scripture! But...
At the outset of the Anglican baptismal liturgy, an eighteenth-century rector would say "Dearly beloved, for as much as all men are conceived and born in sin. . .I beseech you to call upon God." Ask God, he urged, to show the infant mercy, and to make him part of the divine kingdom. Here the...
21st Century Challenges Not Allowing Ourselves to be Defined by Sexuality By Mark Johnston from Place for Truth It may seem more than a little strange to include this issue as one of the major challenges facing the church in the 21st Century, but the sad reality is that it is. The glaring evidence...
Again, my mailbox had another letter from what I am sure is a faithful and committed Christian urging me to not wish you or anyone else a merry Christmas. I can't count the number of copies of this letter from many hands I have received over the years. And I have to admit, it causes me to feel bad...
The Alliance was pleased to partner once again with the Princeton regional Conference on Reformed Theology . Ian Hamilton and Alistair Begg brought the doctrine of Providence to us in a clear and compelling way. You can download or order copies of the audio recordings from Reformed Resources. Cairn...
On November 21st, you can support the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals with the Extraordinary Give program. Any donation made online at ExtraGive will be stretched by up to $250,000 from the Lancaster County Community Foundation and their presenting sponsors. Plus, there are $50,000 in prizes we...
Alliance friend and speaker Fred Zaspel of Books at a Glance interviews Rob Ventura & Brian Borgman, authors of Spiritual Warfare: A Biblical & Balanced Perspective . Pastors Brian Borgman (Grace Community Church in Minden, NV) and Rob Ventura (Grace Community Baptist Church in North...
We're very grateful for the feedback we've already received about Theology on the Go podcast at Place for Truth . And as an update, I'm pleased to report that you can listen and subscribe to the podcast via itunes or just go to iTunes and search for "Theology on the Go." For those of you who haven'...
The Mortification of Spin podcast has been airing for a year and a half, attracting tens of thousands of listeners each week. And while there are some issues and certain episodes that we are asked to avoid, remove, or apologize for - we've not succumbed to any of that. BTW - the one thing we hear...
Thank you! I don't think anyone has ever thanked you for visiting and using the resources of reformation21 and Mortification of Spin. So thank you. Thanks to you, and those you have shared with, continue to drive our mission across North America (United States and Canada). the United Kingdom (I am...