Posts by Carl Trueman

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I see from The Times (of London) this morning that another Gnostic gospel has come to light, accompanied by the typical calls for orthodoxyto be abandoned in favour of some Gnostic gobbledigook. I paste in the full article below:
I see from The Times (of London) this morning that another Gnostic gospel has come to light, accompanied by the typical calls for orthodoxyto be abandoned in favour of some Gnostic gobbledigook. I paste in the full article below:
What have I been up to the last four weeks (as if anyone is interested)? Have I (a) been preaching in London, where my microphone was controlled by The Who's sound manager of 25 years; (b) completed my first marathon, and that in 3hrs 57 mins; (c) been trawling Edinburgh bookshops for a copy of `...
What have I been up to the last four weeks (as if anyone is interested)? Have I (a) been preaching in London, where my microphone was controlled by The Who's sound manager of 25 years; (b) completed my first marathon, and that in 3hrs 57 mins; (c) been trawling Edinburgh bookshops for a copy of `...
What have I been up to the last four weeks (as if anyone is interested)? Have I (a) been preaching in London, where my microphone was controlled by The Who's sound manager of 25 years; (b) completed my first marathon, and that in 3hrs 57 mins; (c) been trawling Edinburgh bookshops for a copy of `...
Justin -- do you know, I can't recall where I delivered them. But then I'm told my lectures are a bit like the sixties -- if you can remember them, then you weren't really there.
Justin -- do you know, I can't recall where I delivered them. But then I'm told my lectures are a bit like the sixties -- if you can remember them, then you weren't really there.
Justin -- do you know, I can't recall where I delivered them. But then I'm told my lectures are a bit like the sixties -- if you can remember them, then you weren't really there.
Ironically, Del, Dylan Thomas is the one Welshman I have time for, and the poem you quote is surely one of the masterpieces of the English langauge.... Anyway, Christianity Today has posted an interesting, albeit brief, blog on the prosperity doctrine:
Ironically, Del, Dylan Thomas is the one Welshman I have time for, and the poem you quote is surely one of the masterpieces of the English langauge.... Anyway, Christianity Today has posted an interesting, albeit brief, blog on the prosperity doctrine:
Ironically, Del, Dylan Thomas is the one Welshman I have time for, and the poem you quote is surely one of the masterpieces of the English langauge.... Anyway, Christianity Today has posted an interesting, albeit brief, blog on the prosperity doctrine:
I was struck by this description of social and intellectual attitudes in the ancient world in Ivor Davidson's Birth of the Church (Baker):
I was struck by this description of social and intellectual attitudes in the ancient world in Ivor Davidson's Birth of the Church (Baker):
I was struck by this description of social and intellectual attitudes in the ancient world in Ivor Davidson's Birth of the Church (Baker):
An interesting web phenomenon: Google. Godlike in its ability to see into the nooks and crannies of each webpersons virtual life. Omnipresent and omniscient. But there is a way in which Google, even its mighty knowledge of the web, is not like God at all.
An interesting web phenomenon: Google. Godlike in its ability to see into the nooks and crannies of each webpersons virtual life. Omnipresent and omniscient. But there is a way in which Google, even its mighty knowledge of the web, is not like God at all.
An interesting web phenomenon: Google. Godlike in its ability to see into the nooks and crannies of each webpersons virtual life. Omnipresent and omniscient. But there is a way in which Google, even its mighty knowledge of the web, is not like God at all.
That's the problem with the capitalist system. We're all implicated in the exploitation that is wage slavery. I mean, after I take my 99% royalties, there's nothing left for the Walmart employee. And I'm offended they sell it so cheaply -- it's worth at least a week's wages; errmm, but, then again...
That's the problem with the capitalist system. We're all implicated in the exploitation that is wage slavery. I mean, after I take my 99% royalties, there's nothing left for the Walmart employee. And I'm offended they sell it so cheaply -- it's worth at least a week's wages; errmm, but, then again...
That's the problem with the capitalist system. We're all implicated in the exploitation that is wage slavery. I mean, after I take my 99% royalties, there's nothing left for the Walmart employee. And I'm offended they sell it so cheaply -- it's worth at least a week's wages; errmm, but, then again...
I've not got much time for blogging these days. The discovery of VH1 Classic, with endless footage of greats such as Def Leppard (we are not worthy!) is proving a distraction. I am, however, glad to see that the sleazy, reactionary, Blair administration in my homeland limps to its sorry conclusion...
I've not got much time for blogging these days. The discovery of VH1 Classic, with endless footage of greats such as Def Leppard (we are not worthy!) is proving a distraction. I am, however, glad to see that the sleazy, reactionary, Blair administration in my homeland limps to its sorry conclusion...
I've not got much time for blogging these days. The discovery of VH1 Classic, with endless footage of greats such as Def Leppard (we are not worthy!) is proving a distraction. I am, however, glad to see that the sleazy, reactionary, Blair administration in my homeland limps to its sorry conclusion...
I'm glad that, after months of peace on the blog, all my old enemies, from Tony `the Gent' to Del-Boy have re-emerged; and Justin seems to have joined them. Et tu Brute? as they say in Dagenham. But remember,That man who has no enemies has no honour. Justin -- I know who you are and I know where...
I'm glad that, after months of peace on the blog, all my old enemies, from Tony `the Gent' to Del-Boy have re-emerged; and Justin seems to have joined them. Et tu Brute? as they say in Dagenham. But remember,That man who has no enemies has no honour. Justin -- I know who you are and I know where...
I'm glad that, after months of peace on the blog, all my old enemies, from Tony `the Gent' to Del-Boy have re-emerged; and Justin seems to have joined them. Et tu Brute? as they say in Dagenham. But remember,That man who has no enemies has no honour. Justin -- I know who you are and I know where...
Del, you need to remember that Lawrence of Arabia lost the entire first draft of `Seven Pillars of Wisdom' when he left it at Reading Station. Compared to that literary tragedy, 15 chapters of `Great Achievements of the Welsh Nation' is hardly a loss -- just look at it as one less book to stick in...
Del, you need to remember that Lawrence of Arabia lost the entire first draft of `Seven Pillars of Wisdom' when he left it at Reading Station. Compared to that literary tragedy, 15 chapters of `Great Achievements of the Welsh Nation' is hardly a loss -- just look at it as one less book to stick in...
Del, you need to remember that Lawrence of Arabia lost the entire first draft of `Seven Pillars of Wisdom' when he left it at Reading Station. Compared to that literary tragedy, 15 chapters of `Great Achievements of the Welsh Nation' is hardly a loss -- just look at it as one less book to stick in...
Seeing Lig's piece on MTV reminded me of the Dire Straits track, `Money for Nothing.' Not Straits greatest work (for that, go to `Making Movies' or even the first album, `Dire Straits' with the brilliant `Sultans of Swing' and `Down to the Waterline' -- though Knopfler's latest album, with Emmylou...
Seeing Lig's piece on MTV reminded me of the Dire Straits track, `Money for Nothing.' Not Straits greatest work (for that, go to `Making Movies' or even the first album, `Dire Straits' with the brilliant `Sultans of Swing' and `Down to the Waterline' -- though Knopfler's latest album, with Emmylou...
Seeing Lig's piece on MTV reminded me of the Dire Straits track, `Money for Nothing.' Not Straits greatest work (for that, go to `Making Movies' or even the first album, `Dire Straits' with the brilliant `Sultans of Swing' and `Down to the Waterline' -- though Knopfler's latest album, with Emmylou...
Once again, I bring my friend and colleague, Al Groves, to the attention of readers of the Ref21 blog. You should all check out the latest entries by his youngest daughter and his wife, both of whom give moving testimonies to the grace of Christ in the most trying of circumstances; and please,...
Once again, I bring my friend and colleague, Al Groves, to the attention of readers of the Ref21 blog. You should all check out the latest entries by his youngest daughter and his wife, both of whom give moving testimonies to the grace of Christ in the most trying of circumstances; and please,...
Once again, I bring my friend and colleague, Al Groves, to the attention of readers of the Ref21 blog. You should all check out the latest entries by his youngest daughter and his wife, both of whom give moving testimonies to the grace of Christ in the most trying of circumstances; and please,...
The People Against Irony Network wish to apologise for the offensive nature of the acronym of their old name. They had not spotted the irony. They wish to stress that they did not wish to imply that humourless, non-ironic self-importance was a monoply of Lutheranism but is actually found in all...
The People Against Irony Network wish to apologise for the offensive nature of the acronym of their old name. They had not spotted the irony. They wish to stress that they did not wish to imply that humourless, non-ironic self-importance was a monoply of Lutheranism but is actually found in all...
The People Against Irony Network wish to apologise for the offensive nature of the acronym of their old name. They had not spotted the irony. They wish to stress that they did not wish to imply that humourless, non-ironic self-importance was a monoply of Lutheranism but is actually found in all...
As the seconds count down to Tony Pinnochio's deadline, I find my hope of rescue fading. Seems the establishment at Ref21 have caved in to the vigorous campaign of the Association of Sensibly Sound People Against Irony Network to get rid of all wit and humour from the blog. The bullet in the brain...
As the seconds count down to Tony Pinnochio's deadline, I find my hope of rescue fading. Seems the establishment at Ref21 have caved in to the vigorous campaign of the Association of Sensibly Sound People Against Irony Network to get rid of all wit and humour from the blog. The bullet in the brain...
As the seconds count down to Tony Pinnochio's deadline, I find my hope of rescue fading. Seems the establishment at Ref21 have caved in to the vigorous campaign of the Association of Sensibly Sound People Against Irony Network to get rid of all wit and humour from the blog. The bullet in the brain...
Well, I can now add Jerry Lee Lewis to the arcane gnostic zones of knowledge which are inaccessible to me. A correspondent warns me not to write about Jerry Lee Lewis, as one has to be from the South to understand him which, as the writer points out, I evidently am not. So Jerry Lee joins the ranks...
Well, I can now add Jerry Lee Lewis to the arcane gnostic zones of knowledge which are inaccessible to me. A correspondent warns me not to write about Jerry Lee Lewis, as one has to be from the South to understand him which, as the writer points out, I evidently am not. So Jerry Lee joins the ranks...
Well, I can now add Jerry Lee Lewis to the arcane gnostic zones of knowledge which are inaccessible to me. A correspondent warns me not to write about Jerry Lee Lewis, as one has to be from the South to understand him which, as the writer points out, I evidently am not. So Jerry Lee joins the ranks...
Trapped in the basement, I have no access to news. I assume Delboy's bragging means England are out of the World Cup. Still, I'm a grammar school boy so the emotional trauma is limited-- rugby's the only true ball game worth playing or watching. In the meantime I note the Tour de France has been...
Trapped in the basement, I have no access to news. I assume Delboy's bragging means England are out of the World Cup. Still, I'm a grammar school boy so the emotional trauma is limited-- rugby's the only true ball game worth playing or watching. In the meantime I note the Tour de France has been...
Trapped in the basement, I have no access to news. I assume Delboy's bragging means England are out of the World Cup. Still, I'm a grammar school boy so the emotional trauma is limited-- rugby's the only true ball game worth playing or watching. In the meantime I note the Tour de France has been...
Help, is there anybody out there??? Please, please come to rescue me. I've now been held by Tony `the Gent' and his boys for three weeks in some underground location. Will somebody please try to find me and rescue me? I can't give you a precise location -- occasionally I hear voices in a room above...
Help, is there anybody out there??? Please, please come to rescue me. I've now been held by Tony `the Gent' and his boys for three weeks in some underground location. Will somebody please try to find me and rescue me? I can't give you a precise location -- occasionally I hear voices in a room above...
Help, is there anybody out there??? Please, please come to rescue me. I've now been held by Tony `the Gent' and his boys for three weeks in some underground location. Will somebody please try to find me and rescue me? I can't give you a precise location -- occasionally I hear voices in a room above...