Posts by Carl Trueman

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One of our readers, Peter Whyte, sent in this link to some P T Forsyth material on the web (and what looks like an interesting theology site all round). Here is the link:
One of our readers, Peter Whyte, sent in this link to some P T Forsyth material on the web (and what looks like an interesting theology site all round). Here is the link:
One of our readers, Peter Whyte, sent in this link to some P T Forsyth material on the web (and what looks like an interesting theology site all round). Here is the link:
If one sign of a great theologian is his ability to sieze hold of the imagination of his readers witha single line, to disturb them, to fascinate them, to make them think, then Forsyth ranks near the top. Here's a few to start the week: `None but the great theologies of redemption are adequate to...
If one sign of a great theologian is his ability to sieze hold of the imagination of his readers witha single line, to disturb them, to fascinate them, to make them think, then Forsyth ranks near the top. Here's a few to start the week: `None but the great theologies of redemption are adequate to...
If one sign of a great theologian is his ability to sieze hold of the imagination of his readers witha single line, to disturb them, to fascinate them, to make them think, then Forsyth ranks near the top. Here's a few to start the week: `None but the great theologies of redemption are adequate to...
This is the quickest way to say thank you to the numerous readers of the Ref21 blog who have graciously taken the time to send in condolences and assurances of prayer regarding the death of Alan Groves, a dear friend and much-missed colleague. His funeral has just taken place and was both a...
This is the quickest way to say thank you to the numerous readers of the Ref21 blog who have graciously taken the time to send in condolences and assurances of prayer regarding the death of Alan Groves, a dear friend and much-missed colleague. His funeral has just taken place and was both a...
This is the quickest way to say thank you to the numerous readers of the Ref21 blog who have graciously taken the time to send in condolences and assurances of prayer regarding the death of Alan Groves, a dear friend and much-missed colleague. His funeral has just taken place and was both a...
There is an obituary of J Alan Groves posted on the Westminster website, , and a moving account of his last day on the family blog at . In times of such loss, it is good to remember that Christianity is not a religion of healing -- such has nothing to say in the face...
There is an obituary of J Alan Groves posted on the Westminster website, , and a moving account of his last day on the family blog at . In times of such loss, it is good to remember that Christianity is not a religion of healing -- such has nothing to say in the face...
There is an obituary of J Alan Groves posted on the Westminster website, , and a moving account of his last day on the family blog at . In times of such loss, it is good to remember that Christianity is not a religion of healing -- such has nothing to say in the face...
Some weeks back I noted a leading emergent webpage which spends it's time telling the reader how important and radical (in the Starbucks latte drinking sense of the word....) the particular person who writes on it is. I raised the question of how, in the marketplace of ideas, Christians can promote...
Some weeks back I noted a leading emergent webpage which spends it's time telling the reader how important and radical (in the Starbucks latte drinking sense of the word....) the particular person who writes on it is. I raised the question of how, in the marketplace of ideas, Christians can promote...
Some weeks back I noted a leading emergent webpage which spends it's time telling the reader how important and radical (in the Starbucks latte drinking sense of the word....) the particular person who writes on it is. I raised the question of how, in the marketplace of ideas, Christians can promote...
Once again, I put aside joking around just for a minute to ask blog readers to pray for my colleague, Alan Groves, and his family, as he struggles with cancer. See
Once again, I put aside joking around just for a minute to ask blog readers to pray for my colleague, Alan Groves, and his family, as he struggles with cancer. See
Once again, I put aside joking around just for a minute to ask blog readers to pray for my colleague, Alan Groves, and his family, as he struggles with cancer. See
Some more from Forsyth. Theologians who have the gift of words that set minds on fire should be read:
Some more from Forsyth. Theologians who have the gift of words that set minds on fire should be read:
Some more from Forsyth. Theologians who have the gift of words that set minds on fire should be read:
Follwing up on yesterday's blog and one one I posted a week or so ago, I would want to make the case that the problem with so many postmodern approaches to the world is that they fail to grasp the tragic nature of the human situation. By dissolving the tragedies of life through moral and...
Follwing up on yesterday's blog and one one I posted a week or so ago, I would want to make the case that the problem with so many postmodern approaches to the world is that they fail to grasp the tragic nature of the human situation. By dissolving the tragedies of life through moral and...
Follwing up on yesterday's blog and one one I posted a week or so ago, I would want to make the case that the problem with so many postmodern approaches to the world is that they fail to grasp the tragic nature of the human situation. By dissolving the tragedies of life through moral and...
I hate to break up the hilarity in which my good friends Messrs Trotter and Plectrum-Smith seem to be indulging, but I just spent a few moments looking at the webpage of a leading Emergent figure.
I hate to break up the hilarity in which my good friends Messrs Trotter and Plectrum-Smith seem to be indulging, but I just spent a few moments looking at the webpage of a leading Emergent figure.
I hate to break up the hilarity in which my good friends Messrs Trotter and Plectrum-Smith seem to be indulging, but I just spent a few moments looking at the webpage of a leading Emergent figure.
I found myself in the invidious position of having to issue a clarification and apology for a theological analysis of an American "sport" (sic):
I found myself in the invidious position of having to issue a clarification and apology for a theological analysis of an American "sport" (sic):
I found myself in the invidious position of having to issue a clarification and apology for a theological analysis of an American "sport" (sic):
There's a fascinating interview with N T Wright in the latest Christianity Today. Worth reading as a whole but I was particularly struck by the following comment:
There's a fascinating interview with N T Wright in the latest Christianity Today. Worth reading as a whole but I was particularly struck by the following comment:
There's a fascinating interview with N T Wright in the latest Christianity Today. Worth reading as a whole but I was particularly struck by the following comment:
In addition to Del's suggestions, I recommend Richard J Evans, Lying about Hitler ( Basic Books). Evans, Chair of Modern History at the University of Cambridge, was the expert witness at the Irving-Lipstadt trial in London, where British writer David Irving sued American professor, Deborah Lipstadt...
In addition to Del's suggestions, I recommend Richard J Evans, Lying about Hitler ( Basic Books). Evans, Chair of Modern History at the University of Cambridge, was the expert witness at the Irving-Lipstadt trial in London, where British writer David Irving sued American professor, Deborah Lipstadt...
In addition to Del's suggestions, I recommend Richard J Evans, Lying about Hitler ( Basic Books). Evans, Chair of Modern History at the University of Cambridge, was the expert witness at the Irving-Lipstadt trial in London, where British writer David Irving sued American professor, Deborah Lipstadt...
Forgot to point out one other obvious matter (implicit in my earlier blog but, on the basis of recent correspondence, I take nothing for granted as being obvious): RJR's point in citing other atrocities in World War Two relates directly to the other side of Holocaust Denial -- the relativisation of...
Forgot to point out one other obvious matter (implicit in my earlier blog but, on the basis of recent correspondence, I take nothing for granted as being obvious): RJR's point in citing other atrocities in World War Two relates directly to the other side of Holocaust Denial -- the relativisation of...
Forgot to point out one other obvious matter (implicit in my earlier blog but, on the basis of recent correspondence, I take nothing for granted as being obvious): RJR's point in citing other atrocities in World War Two relates directly to the other side of Holocaust Denial -- the relativisation of...
The reaction to my statement that RJR was a Holocaust Denier (and thus either historically incompetent, racist or mentally unhinged) has elicited quite a bit of response, from very polite statements that I have misread him to veritable tirades accusing me of serious historical incompetence and...
The reaction to my statement that RJR was a Holocaust Denier (and thus either historically incompetent, racist or mentally unhinged) has elicited quite a bit of response, from very polite statements that I have misread him to veritable tirades accusing me of serious historical incompetence and...
The reaction to my statement that RJR was a Holocaust Denier (and thus either historically incompetent, racist or mentally unhinged) has elicited quite a bit of response, from very polite statements that I have misread him to veritable tirades accusing me of serious historical incompetence and...
At the end of 2006, as I look back on the year, I repent of my previous view of blogging as a trivial medium. Here's what I learned from my various correspondents over the year:
At the end of 2006, as I look back on the year, I repent of my previous view of blogging as a trivial medium. Here's what I learned from my various correspondents over the year:
At the end of 2006, as I look back on the year, I repent of my previous view of blogging as a trivial medium. Here's what I learned from my various correspondents over the year:
Oh, my. I seem to be being struck off all manner of Xmas card lists which, thankfully, I was probably never on in the first place. Two clarifications (at the risk of repeating myself) and a further comment: 1. I did not say Rushdoony and Holocaust Deniers are necessarily racists. I said they were...
Oh, my. I seem to be being struck off all manner of Xmas card lists which, thankfully, I was probably never on in the first place. Two clarifications (at the risk of repeating myself) and a further comment: 1. I did not say Rushdoony and Holocaust Deniers are necessarily racists. I said they were...
Oh, my. I seem to be being struck off all manner of Xmas card lists which, thankfully, I was probably never on in the first place. Two clarifications (at the risk of repeating myself) and a further comment: 1. I did not say Rushdoony and Holocaust Deniers are necessarily racists. I said they were...
My comments on the late RJR have stimulated some feedback.
My comments on the late RJR have stimulated some feedback.