Posts by Carl Trueman

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How does one judge that one is growing old? In Britain, it is typically thought to be when the policemen start to look younger. Over here, I have a sneaking suspicion that it is when you read cigar aficionado D. G.Hart and find yourself nodding in agreement. Like admiring Simon Heffer, it is one of...
I finished Darryl Hart's Calvinism: A History last week. While I am set to provide a thorough review for the Westminster Theological Journal, I want to give a few brief comments now as this is a very fine book which will be a standard text in the field and would make a great read in the dying days...
I finished Darryl Hart's Calvinism: A History last week. While I am set to provide a thorough review for the Westminster Theological Journal, I want to give a few brief comments now as this is a very fine book which will be a standard text in the field and would make a great read in the dying days...
As it seems I am the Last Man Standing at the Ref21 saloon, I here post a variety of links that have crossed my path over recent weeks. Meanwhile, if anyone knows the whereabouts of Paul Levy, please keep that information to yourself. His wife is enjoying the peace and quiet, I am told. David Hall...
As it seems I am the Last Man Standing at the Ref21 saloon, I here post a variety of links that have crossed my path over recent weeks. Meanwhile, if anyone knows the whereabouts of Paul Levy, please keep that information to yourself. His wife is enjoying the peace and quiet, I am told. David Hall...
There is a new Mortification of Spin available, where we discuss the biblical qualifications for eldership and the importance of wives who refuse to believe their husbands' own propaganda about themselves.
There is a new Mortification of Spin available, where we discuss the biblical qualifications for eldership and the importance of wives who refuse to believe their husbands' own propaganda about themselves.
A strange postscript to my earlier post on pornography: I am currently staying on a campsite owned by the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod. Last night I tried to access the Presbyterian website, the Aquila Report via the wireless network and received this message from whatever security filters the...
A strange postscript to my earlier post on pornography: I am currently staying on a campsite owned by the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod. Last night I tried to access the Presbyterian website, the Aquila Report via the wireless network and received this message from whatever security filters the...
I was fascinated by the reactions last week to the British government's intention of making British customers positively "opt in" to allowing pornography to be part of their internet package. The idea is ostensibly to protect children from seeing images which may prove harmful. I read three...
I was fascinated by the reactions last week to the British government's intention of making British customers positively "opt in" to allowing pornography to be part of their internet package. The idea is ostensibly to protect children from seeing images which may prove harmful. I read three...
A number have been asking if Todd's move means an end to the Mortification of Spin podcasts. I am sorry to disappoint: since the podcast is almost the ultimate chewing gum and paper clip production, now involving four guys, two microphones, one computer and a plastic table and four chairs in the...
A number have been asking if Todd's move means an end to the Mortification of Spin podcasts. I am sorry to disappoint: since the podcast is almost the ultimate chewing gum and paper clip production, now involving four guys, two microphones, one computer and a plastic table and four chairs in the...
We are receiving significant positive feedback for the most recent Mortification of Spin podcast on how pastors and elders should respond to spousal and sexual abuse in the church -- feedback, that is, from those who have suffered, or helped those who have suffered, such things. You can listen to...
We are receiving significant positive feedback for the most recent Mortification of Spin podcast on how pastors and elders should respond to spousal and sexual abuse in the church -- feedback, that is, from those who have suffered, or helped those who have suffered, such things. You can listen to...
In recent days, the Heidelberg Catechism (HC) has been enjoying some popularity outside of the bounds of Three Forms of Unity churches, thanks both to its accessibly personal tone and books like Kevin DeYoung's fine devotional commentary, The Good News We Almost Forgot , and the accessible essay...
In recent days, the Heidelberg Catechism (HC) has been enjoying some popularity outside of the bounds of Three Forms of Unity churches, thanks both to its accessibly personal tone and books like Kevin DeYoung's fine devotional commentary, The Good News We Almost Forgot , and the accessible essay...
It is good to see T. David Gordon and D.G. Hart contributing to Ref21. Their reviews of important new books here and here are well worth reading.
It is good to see T. David Gordon and D.G. Hart contributing to Ref21. Their reviews of important new books here and here are well worth reading.
It is great to announce that the congregation of Covenant Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Harrisonburg, Va., has voted to call Todd Pruitt, co-host of Mortification of Spin , as pastor. A salutary lesson to all: if you hang around with Presbyterians long enough, you eventually end up becoming one. Now...
It is great to announce that the congregation of Covenant Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Harrisonburg, Va., has voted to call Todd Pruitt, co-host of Mortification of Spin , as pastor. A salutary lesson to all: if you hang around with Presbyterians long enough, you eventually end up becoming one. Now...
My colleague, Greg Beale, will be speaking on the Christology of the Book of Revelation at the Southern California Reformed Baptist Pastors' Conference . Richard Barcellos tells me that all are welcome -- even those who do not think baptists can be Reformed. Don't shoot the messenger; I tell the...
My colleague, Greg Beale, will be speaking on the Christology of the Book of Revelation at the Southern California Reformed Baptist Pastors' Conference . Richard Barcellos tells me that all are welcome -- even those who do not think baptists can be Reformed. Don't shoot the messenger; I tell the...
After yesterday's Pruitt and Trueman double act at 'Amateur Night at the Ref21 Club', here (I hope) is a post that will possess more than a mere punctuation mark or heading and also (in a break with Ref21 tradition) prove somewhat helpful and edifying: a brilliant summary of the biblical philosophy...
After yesterday's Pruitt and Trueman double act at 'Amateur Night at the Ref21 Club', here (I hope) is a post that will possess more than a mere punctuation mark or heading and also (in a break with Ref21 tradition) prove somewhat helpful and edifying: a brilliant summary of the biblical philosophy...
A number of good books have landed on my desk over the last month. First, despite Paul Levy's demonstration that, when it comes to overall insight and cool, he is once again truly Presbyterianism's answer to Alan Partridge , I concur that Sam Allberry's book Is God Anti-Gay? is truly marvellous...
A number of good books have landed on my desk over the last month. First, despite Paul Levy's demonstration that, when it comes to overall insight and cool, he is once again truly Presbyterianism's answer to Alan Partridge , I concur that Sam Allberry's book Is God Anti-Gay? is truly marvellous...
Now that California looks set to mandate that transgender children be allowed to choose which bathrooms they use and which sports teams they join, it would seem an appropriate time to press for the purging of the remnants of a reactionary age. Indeed, now that gender is, according to the courts,...
Now that California looks set to mandate that transgender children be allowed to choose which bathrooms they use and which sports teams they join, it would seem an appropriate time to press for the purging of the remnants of a reactionary age. Indeed, now that gender is, according to the courts,...
I am doing some guided reading for a couple of students at Cornerstone this summer. This is the list and accompanying rationale: Martyn Lloyd Jones, Preaching and Preachers . A book that is both inspirational and flawed. Any volume which uses the term 'abomination' has to be worth reading in an era...
I am doing some guided reading for a couple of students at Cornerstone this summer. This is the list and accompanying rationale: Martyn Lloyd Jones, Preaching and Preachers . A book that is both inspirational and flawed. Any volume which uses the term 'abomination' has to be worth reading in an era...
In a week where rumours abound that the price of high-end male grooming products, skinny jeans and heavy rimmed glasses has gone through the roof in Greenville, SC, of all places, it is good to hear from Mississippi Frank who hopes to escape from the clutches of the incorrigibly cool in the near...
In a week where rumours abound that the price of high-end male grooming products, skinny jeans and heavy rimmed glasses has gone through the roof in Greenville, SC, of all places, it is good to hear from Mississippi Frank who hopes to escape from the clutches of the incorrigibly cool in the near...
Two articles in this week's Spectator (still the world's greatest repository of great writing) are worth a look. First, Rabbi Jonathan Sacks states the obvious about the insipid nature of today's cool atheism . Second Rod Liddle (We are not worthy!) gives moderate Islam some classic Liddle...
Two articles in this week's Spectator (still the world's greatest repository of great writing) are worth a look. First, Rabbi Jonathan Sacks states the obvious about the insipid nature of today's cool atheism . Second Rod Liddle (We are not worthy!) gives moderate Islam some classic Liddle...
One of the most famous of J.M.W. Turner's paintings is The Fighting Temeraire . It portrays a magnificent British battleship being towed into harbor to be broken up. The juxtaposition of the huge sail-powered vessel being pulled to its fate by a small, steam-powered tugboat projects numerous...
One of the most famous of J.M.W. Turner's paintings is The Fighting Temeraire . It portrays a magnificent British battleship being towed into harbor to be broken up. The juxtaposition of the huge sail-powered vessel being pulled to its fate by a small, steam-powered tugboat projects numerous...
In a world where, no matter how big the issue, the panjandrums of the parachurch tell us we should all just agree to differ, T. David Gordon is a one man oasis of wisdom. Over at the online journal, Second Nature , he casts a cold eye on praise bands and on obnoxiously loud organs too. Here is a...
In a world where, no matter how big the issue, the panjandrums of the parachurch tell us we should all just agree to differ, T. David Gordon is a one man oasis of wisdom. Over at the online journal, Second Nature , he casts a cold eye on praise bands and on obnoxiously loud organs too. Here is a...
A couple of items have been brought to my attention. Over at First Thoughts , trans-Tiberian Ref21 reader, David Mills, offers some thoughts on J. G. Machen , inspired by D.G. Hart. Worth reading as are, unusually for a comment open blog, the comments -- no reference to Nazis or Hitler, and some...
A couple of items have been brought to my attention. Over at First Thoughts , trans-Tiberian Ref21 reader, David Mills, offers some thoughts on J. G. Machen , inspired by D.G. Hart. Worth reading as are, unusually for a comment open blog, the comments -- no reference to Nazis or Hitler, and some...
We at Ref21 are always concerned to cultivate appropriate humility and so it seems only just that we acknowledge that the legendary Sunday morning comedy review, the Church of Scotland , has once again outclassed us on the satire front without even breaking a sweat. To give you a little taster of...
We at Ref21 are always concerned to cultivate appropriate humility and so it seems only just that we acknowledge that the legendary Sunday morning comedy review, the Church of Scotland , has once again outclassed us on the satire front without even breaking a sweat. To give you a little taster of...
It is a spoof,but one can only wish that this were true. I suspect Andy Stanley would not be pleased. More of that next week. The Hammer of Thor has been taken out of the broom cupboard and is being polished.
It is a spoof,but one can only wish that this were true. I suspect Andy Stanley would not be pleased. More of that next week. The Hammer of Thor has been taken out of the broom cupboard and is being polished.
Connor Quigley, of the RP Church in Scotland, has brought to my attention this website which he has set up as a great resource for recordings of various Psalters sung a cappella. The one thing it lacks: Gaelic psalm singing. My wife firmly believes that Gaelic is the language of heaven. Certainly,...
Connor Quigley, of the RP Church in Scotland, has brought to my attention this website which he has set up as a great resource for recordings of various Psalters sung a cappella. The one thing it lacks: Gaelic psalm singing. My wife firmly believes that Gaelic is the language of heaven. Certainly,...
And with apologies for having missed it, here's a word from Sollozzo on the same topic which caught Collin Garbarino's eye. I trust my omission of this from my previous post will not result in me sleeping with the fishes. We await word from the Top Men at the E.I.C. We await, we await, we aw......
And with apologies for having missed it, here's a word from Sollozzo on the same topic which caught Collin Garbarino's eye. I trust my omission of this from my previous post will not result in me sleeping with the fishes. We await word from the Top Men at the E.I.C. We await, we await, we aw......
Two helpful links: Over at First Thoughts Collin Garbarino articulates with great clarity some of the problems with the portentous advice offered by some at the top of the E.I.C. Then, Mark Snoeberger argues that which should be obvious to anyone who gives the matter a moment's thought: that the...