Sexual Identity

The title of the most recent Blue Ridge Bible Conference seems an appropriate descriptor for today's episode of Theology on the Go. Jonathan and James discuss the biblical, familial, and social implications of the latest manifestation of gender dysphoria: transgenderism. Why is a decision to reject...
After revisiting the “trouser color” debate of 2019 (Carl claims a sort of “sartorial panache”), our hosts settle into a more serious discussion. A rather high-profile government appointee publicly displays what is—to most—a rather deplorable lifestyle. Should the Christian say nothing about what...
After a few weeks of solo hosting chores, Carl and Todd are back together and ready to tackle some pressing current affairs. The hot button issues of the day include the notions of “personhood” and “identity” as represented by Revoice , the PCA study committee report, and the opposition to passing...
Where's Ryan's book, Mr. Bezos?
Today’s special guest dared to ask questions and present statements from healthcare experts and transgender patients three years ago in his book When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment . Now, he’s been blacklisted and canceled by big tech. Ryan T. Anderson worked for many...
The Transgender Flag
Michael Hanby is associate professor of Religion and Philosophy of Science at the Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family at the Catholic University of America. Dr. Hanby is in today to discuss recent societal changes that are taking place at breakneck speed. The...
It's Carl's new book!
Carl Trueman’s The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self - Cultural Amnesia, Expressive Individualism, and the Road to Sexual Revolution hasn’t even been released, and—already—it’s the best-selling book of 2020! It is, at least, according to the hosts of this program. Yes, the author feels he’s found...
As the Covid-19 debate rages and protestors have taken to the streets, the US Supreme Court hands down an important ruling in a case, which—unfortunately—seems to have flown under the radar of the media: Bostock v. Clayton County . The smartest-dressed man on campus returns! Matthew Franck is the...
Emily Zinos of the Ask Me First Minnesota Family Council returns to the bunker following her outstanding appearance on “ Gender Confusion .” This time, Emily brings along her good friend Natasha Chart, who is on the board of directors of the Women’s Liberation Front - WoLF. What do a conservative...
In the history of theological debate, one of the most important steps towards doctrinal clarity involves getting the terminology right. The ancient church sorted through the Trinitarian debate by clarifying the distinction between "essence" and "person." Likewise, the Reformation haggled over the...
At present, two popular--yet antithetical--positions about sexuality and identity exist within the orthodox Christian community. In their recently book Transforming Homosexuality , authors Denny Burk and Heath Lambert identify these as the traditional and neo-traditional positions. Both of these...