

Carl Trueman Articles
Well, who would have thought that it would be Pope Benedict XVI who provided one of the strangest `only in America , folks' moments of recent years. Yet it is undoubtedly true that he has done so. Benedict is, of course, a pope whose medieval predilections, whether theological, liturgical, or...
Carl Trueman Articles
Well, who would have thought that it would be Pope Benedict XVI who provided one of the strangest `only in America , folks' moments of recent years. Yet it is undoubtedly true that he has done so. Benedict is, of course, a pope whose medieval predilections, whether theological, liturgical, or...
Mark Johnston Articles
'I believe in God...!' So what? - don't most people? The number of real atheists in the world and throughout history is pretty small. So what's so special about these opening four words of the Apostles' Creed? The answer, of course, is what lies behind them. If you met a woman in the street who was...
Derek Thomas Articles
On the eve of the publication of Don Carson's new and important book, Christ and Culture Revisited, Derek Thomas caught up with him in an airport somewhere in the far East.... DT : Congratulations of the publication of Christ and Culture Revisited (Eerdmans, 2008). It obviously bears some link to...
Derek Thomas Articles
On the eve of the publication of his latest book, The Courage to be Protestant (Eerdmans, 2008), Derek Thomas asked him some questions about the reasons that lay behind its publication. DT: Congratulations David on the publication of your latest book! How is this related to the tetralogy (or is it...
Derek Thomas Articles
On the eve of the publication of his latest book, The Courage to be Protestant (Eerdmans, 2008), Derek Thomas asked him some questions about the reasons that lay behind its publication. DT: Congratulations David on the publication of your latest book! How is this related to the tetralogy (or is it...
David Robertson Articles
Publisher: Dutton (2008) Author: Tim Keller Pages: 277 including footnotes and index. I love the good news of Jesus Christ. I love apologetics. I love good writing. And I love Tim Keller. Therefore it is very difficult for me to be objective about The Reason for God. Given my past experience I...
David Robertson Articles
Publisher: Dutton (2008) Author: Tim Keller Pages: 277 including footnotes and index. I love the good news of Jesus Christ. I love apologetics. I love good writing. And I love Tim Keller. Therefore it is very difficult for me to be objective about The Reason for God. Given my past experience I...
Martin Downes
A. T. B. McGowan's major item for evangelicals to reconsider, in his book The Divine Spiration of Scripture: Challenging evangelical perspectives , concerns the termination of inerrancy. Not only does he argue for the use of the word infallibility in place of inerrancy but he specifically rejects...
Stephen Nichols Articles
In his 1922 work Babbitt, Sinclair Lewis used the phrase Christianity Incorporated to capture the ethos of his fictional small town overrun by a blending of consumerism and religion. What was good for 1922, however, may be good for today. Recently, Michael Budde and Robert Brimlow have used Lewis's...