

William B. Evans Articles
A frequent topic of conversation in theological circles recently has been the general revival of interest in Karl Barth's theology, and particularly the revisionist "Neo-Barthian" interpretations proposed by Bruce L. McCormack, currently the Weyerhauser Professor of Systematic Theology at Princeton...
Carl Trueman Articles
What do brainless and temperamental supermodel, Naomi Campbell, and certain leading figures in American evangelical Christianity have in common? No, I am not thinking of the obvious things: first-class air travel, tantrums, five star hotels, Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and demands for...
Carl Trueman Articles
What do brainless and temperamental supermodel, Naomi Campbell, and certain leading figures in American evangelical Christianity have in common? No, I am not thinking of the obvious things: first-class air travel, tantrums, five star hotels, Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and demands for...
Carl Trueman Articles
Growing up, I adored my grandfather. He was probably the funniest man I ever knew, with a razor sharp wit, absurdism and satire running through his veins, and an imagination that seemed to know no bounds. His letters to me were mini-masterpieces of surreal satire, and he knew how to have fun, how...
Jeffrey Waddington Articles
As we come to the third and final segment in this series on the atonement, it would be good to remind ourselves where we have been. In this way we will have some idea of where we are going and of how to assess the way that the church has understood the cross of Christ. We saw how the atonement made...
Paul Levy Articles
Americans occasionally pass through London, and as there is a famine of Presbyterian churches in the Big smoke, they often find their way to our congregation whilst travelling round Scotland, England and France in 3 days!! After the service I'm often asked, 'where are you from'? I reply 'I'm Welsh...
Paul Levy Articles
It's fantastic John Piper normally preaches but also CJ Mahaney, Mark Driscoll, Terry Virgo and other greats. For the last 2 years I've been in charge of booking speakers and I've done a pretty good job in getting nothing but the best. We have a variety of worship leaders Keith and Kristyn Getty,...
Nicholas Perrin Articles
According to the online Urban Dictionary, the word 'beepbop' is not really a word at all: it is a nonsense word to be used only when you want to really annoy someone. In that case, the British Broadcasting Corporation, otherwise known as the BBC, or more affectionately as 'the Beeb', has aired its...
Mark Johnston Articles
If I remember correctly, I began my last article in this series on the Apostles' Creed by saying, 'There is nothing more central to the Christian message than the cross of Christ'. That is indeed the case; but it is a statement that needs to be qualified. Just as the cross on which Jesus died...
Mark Johnston Articles
If I remember correctly, I began my last article in this series on the Apostles' Creed by saying, 'There is nothing more central to the Christian message than the cross of Christ'. That is indeed the case; but it is a statement that needs to be qualified. Just as the cross on which Jesus died...