

Carl Trueman Articles
Paul Helm has recently reviewed J. I. Packer and the Evangelical Future (Ed. Timothy George [Baker]) on his website, Helm's Deep . The book contained a chapter written by Carl Trueman somewhat critical of Packer's ecclesiology and infamous quarrel with Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones. Helm (as the hyperlink...
Carl Trueman Articles
Paul Helm has recently reviewed J. I. Packer and the Evangelical Future (Ed. Timothy George [Baker]) on his website, Helm's Deep . The book contained a chapter written by Carl Trueman somewhat critical of Packer's ecclesiology and infamous quarrel with Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones. Helm (as the hyperlink...
The words of Jesus are sometimes absurd, often apparently self-contradictory, and always difficult. His words are never easy because they always strike at our perverted values and exalted idols. This confounds some, enrages others and by the grace of God leads many to faith and repentance. The...
David E. Prince Articles
"Religion that is pure and undefiled before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world." James 1:27 (ESV) It was third grade and I was watching the events unfold. One kid, twice the size of a normal third grader, was...
Anthony Selvaggio Articles
I wasn't born and raised in the Reformed church. In other words, I am a Reformed immigrant. Like many people in the Reformed church today, I migrated out of broad based evangelicalism and non-denominationalism. Many of my friends, both ministers and laypeople, have had similar immigration...
Anthony Selvaggio Articles
I wasn't born and raised in the Reformed church. In other words, I am a Reformed immigrant. Like many people in the Reformed church today, I migrated out of broad based evangelicalism and non-denominationalism. Many of my friends, both ministers and laypeople, have had similar immigration...
S. Park Barringer Articles
In contrast to the popular fiction and apologetic writings of C.S. Lewis, a less familiar body of social commentary exists within the writer's corpus. These writings give some of the clearest insight into the political, social, and philosophical environment in which Lewis lived and which influenced...
Carl Trueman Articles
Some weeks ago a friend forwarded me a link to the blog of an American Christian academic. Now, at the risk of protesting too much, I must stress that I don't read blogs - I really don't read blogs - unless, that is, they are sent to me by someone else. Sufficient to my own life is the tedium and...
Paul Helm Articles
Among the morning's tide of emails, the usual flotsam and jetsam. But one item caught my eye, the one headed 'Of Interest?' It should really have gone straight into junk. But I opened it. (I did not notice the name of the sender, in case you're curious).That was all. Which I did. There was a lot of...
Carlton Wynne Articles
Is Idolatry the New Sin? "Just talk about idolatry and you'll be fine." A mentor recently offered these words in my presence to a seminary student who was facing an assignment to preach on the topic of sin. The student's sermon may, indeed, have been "fine" if he followed that suggestion, but the...