

Ligon Duncan
Rick Phillips was recently interviewed on Christ the Center . The subject was "Cultural Relevance, Mercy Ministry and the Social Gospel." Here .
Jeffrey Waddington Articles
Preliminary Remarks I have been enraptured with the cross of Christ ever since I was drawn to Christ by his Holy Spirit working faith in me over 25 years ago. Ever since then I have come to an ever increasing awareness of the centrality of the cross for the Christian faith and for my own Christian...
Ligon Duncan
Would-be theologians who use appeals to "narrative" (and its function in the theology of the writers of Scripture) as a means of undermining the enduring normative authority of Scripture will find themselves under the searching judgment of the normative authority of that same word which they seek...
Ligon Duncan
The lads over at Christ the Center have just loaded an interview with our own Derek Thomas . Have a listen. Here .
Thabiti Anyabwile
The folks at SovGrace have just announced the C.J. Mahaney sermon archive . You can listen to audio or watch video in their entirety or excerpts. Should be excellent stuff! Also, folks might want to check out the Carl F. H. Henry Center's Scripture and Ministry lectures archive . (HT: Unashamed...
Ligon Duncan
Says C.J. (in his fine column on Art Monk's induction into the Pro Football Hall of Fame): "too many pro athletes who profess Christ appear theologically ignorant, have little or no involvement in the local church, and have no pastoral oversight in their lives." This equally applies to many non-...
Derek Thomas Articles
Dr. Derek Thomas interviews Bartel Elshout on his translation of "The Christians Reasonable Service" by Wilhelmus a Brakel. DT: Bart [1] , you translated into English, from its Dutch original, the four-volumed work, The Christian's Reasonable Service by Wilhelmus à Brakel. Can you first of all tell...
Alistair Begg Articles
Reformed Theological Seminary Commencement Address - May 16, 2008 Rev. Alistair Begg "Steady As You Go" - 2 Timothy 4: 1-8 We hear the Word of God again; this time in Second Timothy and in chapter 4. "In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and in view of...
Alistair Begg Articles
Reformed Theological Seminary Commencement Address - May 16, 2008 Rev. Alistair Begg "Steady As You Go" - 2 Timothy 4: 1-8 We hear the Word of God again; this time in Second Timothy and in chapter 4. "In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and in view of...
Mark Johnston Articles
There is nothing more central to the Christian message than the cross of Christ. It is there in the shadows of the Old Testament. It explodes to the fore in the New, dominating the landscape of the Gospel records. And from the very first sermon preached by Peter on the Day of Pentecost it becomes...