

Ligon Duncan
This good news out of Louisville today. Here's the full story . Denny is an outstanding young scholar (and, among many other things, edits the JBMW for CBMW). He blogs here . The Towers Online (SBTS' news service) reports: Criswell College professor Denny Burk named new dean of Boyce College...
Anthony Selvaggio Articles
During my seminary days I was overly enamored with Biblical Theology and Redemptive-Historical interpretation. While I continue to appreciate and employ the significant insights of these interpretive approaches to Scripture, I now realize that I went a bit overboard in my application of them,...
Derek Thomas Articles
Nicodemus was Jerusalem's most outstanding Bible teacher and a member of the Jewish Ruling Council. Only the High Priest gained more recognition in the capital city than Nicodemus. Yet, despite all his learning and privileges, he did not know God. He knew about God, but he did not know him. And as...
William B. Evans Articles
Recent meetings of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church (ARPC) General Synod have been, for the most part, rather sedate affairs. In contrast to the period from the late 1960's until the early 1980's, when the Synod was persistently torn by debates over the authority of Scripture and the...
William B. Evans Articles
In my recent travels and conversations, the topics of Dr. Peter Enns' book and the author's relationship with Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia have come up repeatedly. Dr. Enns is the author of Inspiration and Incarnation: Evangelicals and the Problem of the Old Testament (Baker,...
William B. Evans Articles
In my recent travels and conversations, the topics of Dr. Peter Enns' book and the author's relationship with Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia have come up repeatedly. Dr. Enns is the author of Inspiration and Incarnation: Evangelicals and the Problem of the Old Testament (Baker,...
Psalm singing is experiencing a renaissance. A national worship conference being held this year is entitled "Rediscovering the Psalms". Websites are providing resources for people who would like to learn more about psalm singing. Churches are making strategic plans to train their members in psalm...
Mark Johnston Articles
It is one of best-known facts of Bible; yet it is shrouded in mystery. Its details are rehearsed every year in preaching, reading and song; yet they defy our comprehension. The virgin birth - or, more accurately, the virginal conception - of the Lord Jesus Christ is the point at which the...
Carl Trueman Articles
Well, who would have thought that it would be Pope Benedict XVI who provided one of the strangest `only in America , folks' moments of recent years. Yet it is undoubtedly true that he has done so. Benedict is, of course, a pope whose medieval predilections, whether theological, liturgical, or...
Carl Trueman Articles
Well, who would have thought that it would be Pope Benedict XVI who provided one of the strangest `only in America , folks' moments of recent years. Yet it is undoubtedly true that he has done so. Benedict is, of course, a pope whose medieval predilections, whether theological, liturgical, or...