Meet the Puritans

Meet the Puritans

In concluding our series on the Puritan vision for Christian zeal ( part 1 , part 2 , part 3 , part 4 ), we now take up come practical ways in which we can put it into practice. We must pray for grace to put Christian zeal into action, whatever our calling in life may be. Let us look briefly at...
There are several passages in the New Testament that appear to make a stark contrast between the Old or Mosaic Covenant—the covenant relationship the Lord made with Israel at Mount Sinai (e.g., Ex. 19-24)—and the New Covenant made with believers in Jesus Christ. Consequently, if you are going to...
Love will take you further than the law ever could. — Steven Furtick (@stevenfurtick) March 29, 2016 Thanks Todd Pruitt ! Thanks for "sharing" this on Facebook last week! You ruined my weekend...
What have you done for me lately? As a former basketball player I new this line well. No one cared about your last game. All that mattered was today and what you would do in the games to come. It’s no stretch of the imagination to say that this kind of attitude affects us all. At least here in...
Alright, you could rightly say that Cotton Mather (1663-1728) does not meet the strict historical definition of a “Puritan” preacher (see Mark Jones' post here ). Still, as a Massachusetts Bay Colony boy, son of Increase Mather, and grandson of John Cotton and Richard Mather, he stands firmly in...
This week we want to continue through Thomas Manton's (1620–1677) " Christ's Temptation and Transfiguration Practically Explained and Improved in Several Sermons” ( Works 1, 258–336 ). Sermon 2 treats Matthew 4:2–4. As with sermon 1 , Manton follows the classic Puritan plain style of preaching,...
In 2016, every two months ( Feb , Apr, June, Aug, Oct, Dec) we will be producing a Meet the Puritans Resource, which you will be able to find linked under Our Resources . These will be classic texts with introductions, footnotes, and modernized language. The purpose is to introduce you to the...
Eric Washington
In the context of the English-speaking Atlantic world during the 18th century, many of the oppressed were African enslaved persons. Yet during this time many enslaved Africans became Christians partly because of the Great Awakening. There is evidence from the mouths and pens of enslaved African...
Whitney Gamble
A quest for “Truth According to Scripture” drove the Westminster "divines" (theologians) and should drive us today. Why? Because it’s biblical. When Paul left the church in Ephesus, he warned that false teaching would arise (Acts 20:29-30). Sure enough, it did, and Paul’s beloved congregation soon...
Back in 2005 America’s new “pastor,” Rick Warren, said, “The first Reformation was about doctrine; the second one needs to be about behavior. We need a reformation not of creeds but deeds. It’s time to stop debating the Bible and start doing it . . . This is the new reformation I’m praying for.”...