Posts by Barry Waugh

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After Jesus called the twelve disciples they travelled together throughout Galilee while he taught the crowds and healed many suffering from a variety of diseases. Word of his miraculous ministry drew onlookers along with others seeking his healing power. He made paralytics walk. He loosed those...
The Lord is lord of all truth. God is always truthful. He never deceives. The Lord’s yes is always yes, and his no is always no. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are united in the triune God of truth. How does man access that truth? Is God simply aloof to his creation and his truth inaccessible? Is...
Israel was envious. The nations around them had flesh-and-blood kings, while their ruler was only the eternal spirit-without-a-body Creator of the universe, Yahweh. The people obstinately demanded that God give them a king like all the other nations—and God, in a display of His immense patience,...
The title of Leon Wood’s book, The Distressing Days of the Judges , well describes Israel’s troubled era from the death of Joshua to the coming of Samuel. Judges records the cyclical pattern of Israel’s sin with foreign nations as it worshipped their gods, was enticed by their goods and women, and...
When God made a covenant with Abram in Genesis 17, He emphasized covenant blessings and stipulations that extended to successive generations. The Hebrew prose style of repetition adds a poetic quality to this lovely and reassuring verse: And I will establish my covenant between me and you and your...
While reading Nehemiah 9, I was impressed by how much Covenant theology is rooted in history. In the Old Covenant, God spoke through his prophets, priests, and kings to remind his people of what he had done for them in the past. We get focused on what is happening now and our hopes for the future...
Tourists travel from all over the world to experience the expansive deserts, remote wildernesses, peoples, foods, and sites of north Africa and the Middle East. Many of these (occasionally naïve) travelers have been drawn to the region by the adventures of Lawrence of Arabia or Indiana Jones, only...
The Book of Esther is an engaging piece of literature, with political intrigue, reversal of fortune, a wise counselor, irony, betrayal, heroism, and a despicable villain. If one pitched an Esther script to a movie studio, it might read: “A stunningly beautiful woman becomes queen, and when her...
Why was Jesus born the son of a carpenter, to work as a carpenter (Mt 13:55; Mk 6:3)? Some would respond that before the Son of God entered his public ministry he needed to work, and carpentry provided a living as good as any other. However, there are other occupations which look as if they would...
Roman Catholics and Protestants alike often appeal to the massive body of works penned by Augustine, Bishop of Hippo. The thinking behind the Reformation was seeded by the ad fontes principle of the Renaissance, and for theologians those sources were often the Church Fathers, particularly Augustine...
Johann Gutenberg and the Technology Johann Gutenberg is credited with having developed the movable type printing process sometime before 1450 while living in Strassbourg, but due to the limited information available about him the year is not certain. Gutenberg was born in Mainz about 1397 and,...
Johann Gutenberg and the Technology Johann Gutenberg is credited with having developed the movable type printing process sometime before 1450 while living in Strassbourg, but due to the limited information available about him the year is not certain. Gutenberg was born in Mainz about 1397 and,...
Joseph Addison was born the third son of the minister of the Pine Street Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia, Archibald Alexander, D.D., on April 24, 1809. His mother, Janetta Waddel Alexander, was the daughter of James Waddel who served as a minister in Virginia and was sometimes called "the blind...
Joseph Addison was born the third son of the minister of the Pine Street Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia, Archibald Alexander, D.D., on April 24, 1809. His mother, Janetta Waddel Alexander, was the daughter of James Waddel who served as a minister in Virginia and was sometimes called "the blind...
According to Noah Webster's An American Dictionary of the English Language , 1828, a "pew" was defined as "an enclosed seat in a church" that had been in the past "made square" (i.e. boxed in with doors for access). His dictionary goes on to add that in "modern churches in America" pews were...
According to Noah Webster's An American Dictionary of the English Language , 1828, a "pew" was defined as "an enclosed seat in a church" that had been in the past "made square" (i.e. boxed in with doors for access). His dictionary goes on to add that in "modern churches in America" pews were...
William Bridge was born about the year 1600 in Cambridgeshire, England. He entered Emmanuel College of Cambridge University, where he received his B.A. in 1623 and his M.A. in 1626. He became the rector of St. Peter's, Hungate, Norwich, where he was eventually suspended from preaching by Bishop...
William Bridge was born about the year 1600 in Cambridgeshire, England. He entered Emmanuel College of Cambridge University, where he received his B.A. in 1623 and his M.A. in 1626. He became the rector of St. Peter's, Hungate, Norwich, where he was eventually suspended from preaching by Bishop...
Augustine's Confessions is one of the great classics of Christian historical theological literature.(1) It is admired for its beauty of composition, its sophisticated literary construction, and its vivid and honest recollections of the life of its author. Some scholars would even say it began a new...
Augustine's Confessions is one of the great classics of Christian historical theological literature.(1) It is admired for its beauty of composition, its sophisticated literary construction, and its vivid and honest recollections of the life of its author. Some scholars would even say it began a new...
Editors' Note: This is the second article of a two part series by Dr. Barry Waugh. The first article can be found here . Martin Luther's Publishing in Germany When Martin Luther nailed his Ninety-Five Theses to the door of the Wittenberg Church on October 31, 1517, he was calling for a disputation...
Johann Gutenberg and the Technology This article is the first of two that will consider the importance of Johann Gutenberg's movable type printing technology for the Protestant Reformation and how the new technology was employed effectively by Martin Luther in Germany. Part one will deal with the...
The name Harriet Beecher Stowe brings to mind an influential book in American history, Uncle Tom’s Cabin . Whether President Lincoln’s comment when meeting the author is true or apocryphal, “You are the little lady that started this great war,” it is certainly true that her book accelerated...
David B. Calhoun, Our Southern Zion: Old Columbia Seminary, 1828-1927 , Banner of Truth, 2012, 380 pages, cloth, illustrated, and index. The city of Columbia was created the capital of South Carolina by the state legislature in 1786. It was intentionally located near the geographic center of the...
and the Historical Background of the Ceremony Introduction A few weeks ago millions of people all over the world were watching the "Royal Wedding" of Prince William and Catherine Middleton. People were glued to the tube for various reasons--some to see what Catherine's gown would look like, others...