Odds and Ends

Odds and Ends

As Jeremy is currently back in the seventeenth century consulting with an apothecary about vocal elixirs for godly preachers and Paul has been sent away to learn English as a foreign language and take a TOEFL test before being allowed back, it falls to me to resurrect the blog this week.I hope to post on the matter of the EIC tomorrow or over the weekend (no clues as to what that is).  In the meantime, here are some matters which may be of interest.

Calvin Theological Seminary has launched the Junius Institute for Digital Reformation Research.  This looks set to be a significant online endeavour.  For those who do not know Latin, well, maybe it is time you learned.

Mortification of Spin is now available on iTunes.  However, the logo picture of Todd in skinny jeans was (thankfully)  rejected by Apple's committee on decency and taste.  And there is an appropriate logo coming. So that's good news all round.

Jon Payne and Sebastian Heck have published a superb collection of essays on the Heidelberg Catechism with contributions from, among others, some of my favourite Reformed authors, including Cornel Venema, Herman Selderhuis, D G Hart, Michael Horton and Danny 'Dr Jekyll' Hyde.jekyll-hyde-243x304.jpg   A who's who of thoughtful Reformed scholars and pastors on a document of perennial significance for the church.  Plus all the proceeds from this book will go to Sebastian Heck's church plant in Heidelberg itself.  So you get a wonderful volume and help the work of the gospel at the same time.