
The human conscience is one of those metaphysical entities that we all love and yet, being a metaphysical idea, we’re not always clear about it. The Puritans were master theologians of the conscience, precisely because they were strong in God’s word. Sadly, I’m not sure that can be said for us...
Recently my school district has been embroiled in a battle over restroom usage. I know, who in this country hasn't been? However, the good news is we won! Just a couple of days ago the school board voted 5-4 in favor of biology. In other words, biology will be the determining factor with regard to...
In this age when Christians find themselves on the “wrong” side of the arc of history, especially on the losing side of legal disputes, the questions quite naturally arise, what exactly is our relation to the laws of our land and to the promulgators and enforcers of those laws, the state? These are...
I'll never forget the first year that I was able to vote. I had just turned 18 and could not have been more zealous to be part of the American political process. I spent six hours a day while I worked listening to angry talk show radio hosts who seemed intent on raising my blood pressure. I...
Americans have come to one of the more exciting portions of the quadrennial election cycle in the national conventions of the two main parties. This invariably means non-stop media attention, partisan revelry, messianic symbolism, and the occasional significant speech. Without dwelling on the...
Richard R. Follett
Socialism is Merely Human: a response to Rick Phillips' Blog post, "Socialism is Evil" The attraction of young voters to Bernie Sanders' presidential campaign has puzzled some observers. The bewilderment is often mentioned in conjunction with Sanders' declared vision of "democratic socialism," a...
Richard R. Follett
Socialism is Merely Human: a response to Rick Phillips' Blog post, "Socialism is Evil" The attraction of young voters to Bernie Sanders' presidential campaign has puzzled some observers. The bewilderment is often mentioned in conjunction with Sanders' declared vision of "democratic socialism," a...
How should Christians act and speak in the midst of this loud and divisive political season? While websites devoted to politics and news give you the latest buzz, polls, and minute-by-minute analysis, you will find Place for Truth slightly different, dare I say refreshingly different. Place for...
What should we look for in a candidate for president? That seems to be a pressing question for Americans right now. Rick has recently told us not to talk up or opt for socialism because "socialism is evil." It's worth noting, I think, that his reasons for why socialism is evil apply fully to crony-...
Let me begin with a question. When you think of politics, watch campaign news, or read the latest pollsters - does your heart race? Do you get excited? Do you have that "I've got to do something!" feeling? Okay, if you answered "yes," then, at the very least, you are an emotionally invested citizen...