
"I am the woman at the well, I am the harlot I am the scattered seed that fell along the path I am the son that ran away And I am the bitter son that stayed My God, my God, why hast Thou accepted me When all my love was vinegar to a thirsty King? My God, my God, why hast Thou accepted me? It's a...
In 1524 Desiderius Erasmus, who until then had proven reluctant to challenge Martin Luther publically, finally caved to pressure from Rome to employ his literary talent against the impudent German Reformer who had caused, and was still causing, the institutional church of his day such problems...
There is a popular notion that the church originated from a decision by a handful of followers of Jesus of Nazareth to start a movement. In the same way as other world religions started and grew through human determination and effort, it is often assumed that the Christian church is just a hugely...
Any church that includes questions to ministers-elect in their ordination or installation to service will, in some shape or form, ask a question about the candidate’s commitment to the pastoral care of his people. This is very much in keeping with the practice of caring for the needs of God’s...
Let me begin with a question. When you think of politics, watch campaign news, or read the latest pollsters - does your heart race? Do you get excited? Do you have that "I've got to do something!" feeling? Okay, if you answered "yes," then, at the very least, you are an emotionally invested citizen...
Human flourishing "Human flourishing" is a cultural catchphrase that can be overheard in the hallways of corporate America and in the institutions of public and private education. In recent days, human flourishing has served as a warrant for doctrinal and moral-theological revision in the church as...
Rick Phillips Articles
In this article, I want to examine the third of the Affirmations & Denials of the Gospel Reformation Network , which makes a point at the very heart of our concern in presenting a balanced view of the gospel: We affirm that the gospel provides salvation for the whole man, including man's need...
Rick Phillips Articles
In this article, I want to examine the third of the Affirmations & Denials of the Gospel Reformation Network , which makes a point at the very heart of our concern in presenting a balanced view of the gospel: We affirm that the gospel provides salvation for the whole man, including man's need...
Rick Phillips Articles
Editors' Note: In the coming weeks, Dr. Richard Phillips will be discussing the affirmations and denials of the Gospel Reformation Network. A full list is available at the conclusion of this article. In order to assist the important discussions taking place concerning justification and...
Rick Phillips Articles
Editors' Note: In the coming weeks, Dr. Richard Phillips will be discussing the affirmations and denials of the Gospel Reformation Network. A full list is available at the conclusion of this article. In order to assist the important discussions taking place concerning justification and...