Church History

Carl Trueman Articles
There are many differences between American and British culture. Most obvious, perhaps, are the sports: baseball versus cricket; and football (where feet are rarely used) versus football (where feet, and the occasional head, are all that can be used); and even, once again, football (where pads are...
I'm sure he'd be too modest to promote his own stuff, so here's a link to Iain D. Campbell's review of John MacLeod's excellent book on the religious history of the Isle of Lewis, from whence the present Mrs. T originates:
I'm sure he'd be too modest to promote his own stuff, so here's a link to Iain D. Campbell's review of John MacLeod's excellent book on the religious history of the Isle of Lewis, from whence the present Mrs. T originates:
Guy Davies Articles
Calvin: A Guide for the Perplexed By Paul Helm T & T Clark (October 2008) 175 p. Are you perplexed by Calvin, dear reader? Do you find yourself wondering what all the fuss is about, yet you can't be bothered to read the mighty Institutes? Wasn't he just a one-note theologian who just kept...
Jeffrey Waddington Articles
As we come to the third and final segment in this series on the atonement, it would be good to remind ourselves where we have been. In this way we will have some idea of where we are going and of how to assess the way that the church has understood the cross of Christ. We saw how the atonement made...
Paul Levy Articles
Americans occasionally pass through London, and as there is a famine of Presbyterian churches in the Big smoke, they often find their way to our congregation whilst travelling round Scotland, England and France in 3 days!! After the service I'm often asked, 'where are you from'? I reply 'I'm Welsh...
Nicholas Perrin Articles
According to the online Urban Dictionary, the word 'beepbop' is not really a word at all: it is a nonsense word to be used only when you want to really annoy someone. In that case, the British Broadcasting Corporation, otherwise known as the BBC, or more affectionately as 'the Beeb', has aired its...
Brian Gault Articles
Praise Seeking Understanding: Reading the Psalms with Augustine By Jason Byassee Wm.B. Eerdmans (November 2007) 290 p. Praise Seeking Understanding on the surface seems to have great promise: Jason Byassee wants his readers to take up the Scripture--and the Psalms specifically--and read them like...
Sorry to disappoint all my 'friends' out there. This is not my demise but that of one of the greatest church historians Britain ever produced, a man whose erudite writings opened up the world of the early church for many of us: Henry Chadwick. You can find an obituary, written by Rowan Williams,...
Sorry to disappoint all my 'friends' out there. This is not my demise but that of one of the greatest church historians Britain ever produced, a man whose erudite writings opened up the world of the early church for many of us: Henry Chadwick. You can find an obituary, written by Rowan Williams,...