Book Review

Weezie Polk
Harry Potter is the literary phenomenon for children so far in the twenty first century. On the use of the imagination in literature, C.S. Lewis has commented, "You and I who still enjoy fairy tales have less reason to wish actual childhood back. We have kept its pleasures and added some grown-up...
"Fairy tales, romance and adventure appeal to us, not just because they are different from our ordinary experience but because they present in easily assimilable form an essential element of that experience, the shrouding mystery of life and the tremulous human desire for an unseen glory." --S.L...
Carl Trueman Articles
Mark Noll is well-known both within and without evangelicalism as an outstanding scholar, a gracious and thoughtful commentator on religion and America, and one of the most significant public religious intellectuals of the last decade. Indeed, disagreeing with him is not something that one does...
Derek Thomas Articles
Toothless Vampires and the Holy Grail It is often suggested that John Milton's Paradise Lost is a better read than his Paradise Regained. It is easier to describe evil than goodness, easier to record the terrors of Hell than the beauty of Heaven; --so the suggestion goes. It is certainly true of...
Scott Oliphint
"Deciding whether postconservatism is a 'movement' or simply a 'mood' is rather unimportant for our purposes. What is important - and what is by and large no longer questioned - is that a significant shift is taking place in some segments of evangelicalism" (1). In their book, Reclaiming the Center...
Weezie Polk
Great Commission Publications continues to expand and improve its materials for use in Sunday School. This fall they unveiled a new format for their children's Sunday School material-a more closely graded elementary series. That means that instead of grouping grades one through three and then...
Gerald Bray
Books about Augustine and his theology seem to multiply without end, and the first task of anyone writing about him must be to define why a new work is required. Mark Ellingsen rises to this challenge, explaining that his main motive is to demonstrate to what extent the different traditions which...
Derek Thomas Articles
This book contains a collection of essays on the doctrine of Scripture (covering almost a quarter century of material from 1974 to1996) all of which add light and justification to the Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy of 1978 made by the International Council on Biblical Inerrancy (ICBI,...
Paul Helm Articles
John Franke, who teaches theology at Biblical Theological Seminary, has written this introduction to Christian theology. Its chapters are on "Doing Theology Today", "The Subject of Theology," "The Nature of Theology", "The Task of Theology", and "The Purpose of Theology". Professor Franke tells us...
Reformed Christians are notorious for recommending books, myself included. Over the years, I have had dozens of conversations about the Reformed faith, which, in many cases, have ended with a book suggestion. I have, on select occasions, even gone as far as to purchase the book(s) for the...