An Attitude of Mind

An Attitude of Mind

I confess complete ignorance of exactly what "M.M.A. fighting" is, though it seems safe to assume that (to use the idiom of my homeland) it just isn't cricket.  Nevertheless, I appreciate having this news item brought to my attention by a student aficionado of the ethical anomalies of contemporary culture.

That Ms. Rousey thinks it unfair to allow the transgender person, Fallon Fox,to  fight women in the ring indicates that she really does not understand the current climate of sexual and gender politics.  Gender has been completely detached from biology or anatomy.  In fact, I think it is not an exaggeration to say that gender is now regarded by the movers and shakers as essentially an attitude of mind.

Every now and then empirical reality breaks back in: dominance in the ring is not anMolesworth in Corner.jpg attitude of mind; nor is the fastest speed on the track.  But hey, it is an axiom that one cannot infer an ought from an is.  In fact, these days it seems that one can no longer even infer an 'is' from an 'is'.