A New MoS and an Epic Fail

A New MoS and an Epic Fail

This week's Mortification of Spin is up.  Our guest is Paul Wolfe, author of My God is True and Setting Our Sights On Heaven.  Paul is a pastor in the P.C.A. and a cancer survivor, so the conversation focuses on matters to do with mortality, facing eternity and pastoral responses to the same.  What emerges very clearly is the need for both a robust theology and a deep care for people.  Only then can we avoid cheap cliches and offer compassionate hope.

In the meantime, myself, Nunchucks and the Witchfinder General are gearing up for apoint blank (250x167).jpg marathon recording stint on Friday, under the cruel and ever-vigilant eye of the Puppetmaster.  Guests in the Underground Bunker at this session will include Mark Jones, David F. Wells, Trillia Newbell, and Dispo Dan and Frank 'the Turk' Sollozzo of TeamPyro infamy.  Aimee's continual behind-the-scenes trash talk about the Pyro boys will now be put to the test, and the Spin team is, as you can see, starting to feel the rising tension as the showdown approaches.

In other news, our attempts to keep up with the latest cool trends and have married couples on the show are thus far drawing a blank.  We asked interested couples to send in photos to make sure they would look both confessional and orthodox enough to be on the podcast but so far nobody has made the grade.  See, for example, this decidedly below-par entry from a wannabe Spinguest in the UK, which has just been reviewed by the quality control department and sent to the Puppetmaster for immediate incineration.   We print it here pour encourager les autres:
Levy Fail.jpg