June 23: Psalms 119:33-48

Do you live in total dependence on God and His Word? No? I don't either and neither did the psalmist. This chapter of God's Word is the cry of a heart longing to have its orientation corrected, and its hope set on the one true source of joy. The writer knows his revival must come from the Lord and the life-giving nature of His Word (Ps. 119:25).
The meditation on truth is inescapable. The writer knows that everything outside of God's Word is un-truth, lying. So he prays for the sovereign God, in His mercy, to deliver him much like Isaiah would pray, from unclean lips (Ps. 119:29; Is. 6:5). Have you come to the end of yourself to cast your entire existence on the mercy of God? Have you bowed in humble submission to the holiness of God?
The next section of Psalm 119 asks the Lord for instruction. How important it is to know the Bible. It gives understanding and centering. It focuses us by explaining our origins and our destinies. It orients us by orienting us in our proper role as creature and God's role as Creator.
God is our Teacher and we are his students (Ps. 119:33). Indeed, He is the best instructor, One who condescends to our frailty, and hears our plaintive cry for help (Ps. 119:36, 37). We are driven to distraction, yet the Lord turns His children's eyes to Himself. Instead of filling up on worthless but enticing candy, our Father gives us food that endures and sustains.
Set your heart to the study of the Word. Feast on its nourishing truth. Find in it the way, the truth, and the life, because the living Word is Christ Himself (Jn. 5:39; 14:6).