MDB 36: Exodus 5

Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh with a simple demand: "This is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: 'Let my people go, so that they may hold a festival to me in the desert' " (Exod. 5:1).
These two brothers approached Pharaoh with the strong confidence of a courageous faith. In the words of Hebrews, they went "not fearing the king's anger" (Heb. 11:27).
Courage is hardly what we have come to expect from Moses. By this point in Exodus we have seen him cover up a murder in the desert sand (Exod. 2:12), run away from the Egyptian police (Exod. 2:15), and refuse to deliver God's message for fear that no one will listen (Exod. 4:1, 10, 13). Yet this time he walked up to the most powerful man in the world and demanded the release of his slaves.
We are compelled to ask what happened to this man. What transformed Moses from a frightened fugitive into a bold spiritual leader?
The answer is that Moses had met the living God. Here is his personal testimony: "The God of the Hebrews has met with us" (Exod. 5:3). Moses had seen God's glory in the burning bush. He had heard the Great I AM announce the message of salvation. He had received God's call, accompanied by marvelous signs.
At first, Moses had trouble believing that it was all true. But he did the right thing: he started to trust God's promises and obey God's commands. As he stepped out in faith, he discovered that God's word is faithful and true, and that in spite of his many personally inadequacies, he was supernaturally equipped to do what God had called him to do.
This is a good example for us to follow in the faltering steps of our own pilgrimage. When we know that God is with us by the presence of his Spirit--just as Jesus promised (John 14:16)--then we too will be bold to do God's will.