The Best Yes?

February 4, 2015

I meet so many wonderful women whom I would love to see reading better books. Sometimes it’s a matter of getting people to read at all. But often I find that there are a good number of women who go to their local Christian bookstore, find an interesting title in the front displays, and unknowingly bring home a book full of teaching that contradicts what they hear from the pulpit on a regular basis. And I am finding that women are not coming to the conclusions that these books may be harmful, but rather they are captivated by the emotional appeals and the author’s story. They are unable to discern the bad theology that has snuck in through the back door.
I have heard some say, “Well what is the big deal if we all love Jesus?” And, “When we die, are we going to find that we are saved by grace plus a theology exam?” No, we are saved by grace through faith alone in Christ alone. But our faith has content. And it’s kind of important. I am jealous over people knowing my husband rightly. I would be upset if people were sharing things about him that were untrue. And he would we flummoxed if I described him in a false light. Why aren’t we jealous to hold fast to the truth about our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ? How would we know that our faith is in the true God if we are not concerned in the details of who he is and what he has done?
So I like to review and recommend good books for others to read. But I am finding that is not enough. Unfortunately, many evangelical Christians are theologically out of shape. They do not have the fitness for reading a good book. And with technology changing our brains, we are being conditioned for crisp interfaces and easy scanned information. Cracking open a good book might be like starting a workout for the first time. Not everyone is inclined to build their theological stamina.
The market has catered to this. We have done some Mortification of Spin podcasts on the frightening bestseller’s list for Christian books. I am seeing the need to review some of these. I don’t think it will make me very popular, but I’m hoping that it will be helpful for those who would like to read with discernment.
So I have reviewed a book that is extremely popular right now called The Best Yes, by Lysa Terkeurst. It is the #1 Bestseller in Christian Women’s Issues on Amazon. TerKeurst is a much loved Christian author and speaker. But it is important that we are critical about the content we are reading. What does her book actually say about God and what is our best yes to buy in the Christian bookstore?
You can read my review here at Books at a Glance.