"Helping Wives Begin to Heal After Betrayal"

October 30, 2015
The Mortification of Spin team took advantage of our time together in Philadelphia this week. We were together to participate with Dr. Joel Beeke and Dr. Kent Hughes on the panel for the Westminster Theological Seminary’s Pastor’s Conference, but we also spent the morning recording another batch of podcasts. Our first interview was with one of my favorite authors, Dr. Gregory Beale. Carl gave him a psychiatric quiz that reveals some surprising results. And I finally got to ask him about when he is going to write that book on Eschatology and Enjoying Your Mate. We also discovered that Dr. Beale is formulating a theology on dogs on the new heaven and the new earth…stay tuned!
It was also a great pleasure to interview Ellen Dykas from Harvest USA. I kind of hogged the interview with all the questions I had for Ellen. Her work in helping families and individuals affected by sexual sin is extremely helpful. I’ve interacted with Ellen through Google Hangout and social media, but was pleased to finally meet her in person. She shared the details of a webinar that she is participating in on November 14th for Harvest, that I wanted to pass along. It looks like it will be a helpful resource for those who join. Here is the synopsis:
Side by Side:
Helping Wives Begin to Heal After Betrayal
When sexual unfaithfulness intrudes upon a marriage, hearts and lives are painfully impacted. Side by Side is a new webinar which offers biblical guidance and hope for wives facing the trial of a husband's sexual sin. Whether if you are a woman currently facing this in your marriage, or if you want to come alongside others, this webinar will put words on what this experience is like, offer foundational steps to take with a hurting wife and wisdom for forming a support group with others
Learn about the facts and fiction of sexual sin's prevalance among God's people
Learn how to apply biblical wisdom and compassion to hurting wives
Gain understanding in how sexual unfaithfulness impacts a wife's heart
Gain knowledge about how to start a support group for wives in your church or community.
Here is the link for those who may be interested: Side By Side