You never grow beyond the Gospel

July 8, 2011
I still come across Christians who consider the Gospel to be the "abc's" of Christianity. That concerns me because we never truly outgrow our need for the Gospel. Indeed we will never grow beyond the Gospel. If we believe the Gospel to be a very basic thing, merely baby food for baby Christians then we will not grow beyond infancy. For the Gospel is the food we need not only at the moment of our conversion but until the day we die.
I am looking forward to reading The Gospel Is For Christians by Mitchell Chase.
From the Publisher:
Christian discipleship cannot be achieved by following clever formulas or spiritual shortcuts. Believers achieve true growth by holding firmly to and continually appropriating the gospel of God’s grace. While some people consider the gospel to be relevant only for conversion, the Bible teaches that the gospel is indispensable for the Christian life.
The gospel must shape our discipleship.
• Non-gospel messages do not foster spiritual growth
• Faithful churches are gospel-driven churches
• Gospel-driven churches obey the Great Commission
• The marital covenant points to the New Covenant
• Every generation must declare the words and wonders of God
“Mitch Chase joins a growing group of leaders on mission to help the church rediscover the truth that the gospel isn’t just the power of God to save us; it’s the power of God to grow us once we’re saved.”
— Tullian Tchividjian, Author of Surprised by Grace
“Getting the gospel right is an absolute imperative for Christ’s church. Understanding how the gospel applies to every dimension of life is one of the ongoing challenges and joys for every believer. Mitch Chase brings great wisdom and clarity for this challenge as he writes The Gospel is for Christians. Read it for the sound counsel and good news you will find here.”
- Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr. President, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
“The gospel is not just for unbelievers. The gospel is not just a kind of good news key that allows people to unlock the doors to heaven. The gospel is life. The gospel saves and it sustains. Mitch Chase loves this gospel and in this book he faithfully proclaims it. Written in an engaging, winsome way, his book will challenge and shape you. It will tell you why you need to believe the gospel to have eternal life and why you need to dwell upon this gospel, love it, feed upon it, depend upon it every day. The gospel is for Christians and so too is this book. I highly recommend it to you.”
-Tim Challies, author of The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment, Sexual Detox: A Guide For Guys Who Are Sick of Porn, and The Next Story
I am looking forward to reading The Gospel Is For Christians by Mitchell Chase.
From the Publisher:
Christian discipleship cannot be achieved by following clever formulas or spiritual shortcuts. Believers achieve true growth by holding firmly to and continually appropriating the gospel of God’s grace. While some people consider the gospel to be relevant only for conversion, the Bible teaches that the gospel is indispensable for the Christian life.
The gospel must shape our discipleship.
• Non-gospel messages do not foster spiritual growth
• Faithful churches are gospel-driven churches
• Gospel-driven churches obey the Great Commission
• The marital covenant points to the New Covenant
• Every generation must declare the words and wonders of God
“Mitch Chase joins a growing group of leaders on mission to help the church rediscover the truth that the gospel isn’t just the power of God to save us; it’s the power of God to grow us once we’re saved.”
— Tullian Tchividjian, Author of Surprised by Grace
“Getting the gospel right is an absolute imperative for Christ’s church. Understanding how the gospel applies to every dimension of life is one of the ongoing challenges and joys for every believer. Mitch Chase brings great wisdom and clarity for this challenge as he writes The Gospel is for Christians. Read it for the sound counsel and good news you will find here.”
- Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr. President, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
“The gospel is not just for unbelievers. The gospel is not just a kind of good news key that allows people to unlock the doors to heaven. The gospel is life. The gospel saves and it sustains. Mitch Chase loves this gospel and in this book he faithfully proclaims it. Written in an engaging, winsome way, his book will challenge and shape you. It will tell you why you need to believe the gospel to have eternal life and why you need to dwell upon this gospel, love it, feed upon it, depend upon it every day. The gospel is for Christians and so too is this book. I highly recommend it to you.”
-Tim Challies, author of The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment, Sexual Detox: A Guide For Guys Who Are Sick of Porn, and The Next Story