Why I don't preach Mother's Day messages

May 13, 2009

So, I found out that some are wondering why I did not preach a "Mother's Day sermon" last Sunday.
I'll be brief.
I do not preach Mother's Day messages...
1. for the same reason I do not preach Father's Day, Valentine's Day, Groundhog's Day, Guy Fawkes Day, or Chinese New Year's Day messages.
2. because there is no biblical prescription for Mother's Day.
3. because I am trying to build a pulpit ministry that is characterized by consistent biblical exposition not topical points of interest.
4. because I am obliged to honor God and His Word above all things in the corporate gatherings of His people.
5. because I don't want greeting card companies to dictate sermon content to Christ's church.
6. because I am inclined away from "bandwagonism" and sentimentality.
Al Mohler has posted some great thoughts on Mother's Day:
Christians must resist the reduction of motherhood to sentimentality, and particularly that sentimentalism that undermines what mothers are truly to represent -- nurture, fortitude, courage, dedication, faithfulness, discipline, and trust in God.
Mother's Day is a bad idea because it subverts the reality of faithful mothering and robs faithful mothers of their true glory. Mothers deserving of honor are handed cards and taken to lunch, when songs of praise should instead be offered to the glory of God. Undeserving mothers, who abdicate their true responsibility, are honored just because they are mothers. Children, young and old, who ignore and dishonor their mothers by word and by life throughout the year, assuage their guilt by making a big deal of Mother's Day.
Read the entire post HERE.