The Lord's Prayer and the Purposes of God

Church of the Saviour was privileged to have Michael Oh fill the pulpit yesterday. He preached on the Lord's Prayer. Specifically, he called attention to the fact that the way Jesus taught us to pray involves the grand purposes of God in the world.

I love the way he dealt with the petitionary portion of the prayer. When we come to the portion of the prayer that begins with the request that God give us our daily bread we learn a few things about the purpose of God's blessings be they daily bread, employment, or anything else.

We must view God's gifts...
1. Theistically - May we enjoy every gift as from God, not as a god.
2. Doxologically - May God's giftss be the cause of magnifying His glory.
3. Missionally - May God's gifts be employed to maximize the number of people who worship God.