On Preaching

June 12, 2012
Great teaching on preaching from the John Reed Miller Lecture Series at RTS.

Lecture 2 – October 26, Lunch
Lecture 3 - October 27, Lunch
Lecture 2 - Nehemiah 8
Lecture 3 - Nehemiah 8
Lecture 2 - The Puritan’s Love for Preaching
Lecture 3 - Preaching Experientially Today
Lecture 2 - Nuts and Bolts in Preaching Old Testament Texts
Lecture 3 - The Hard Ministry of the Word
Lecture 2 - The Use of Preaching
Lecture 3 - The Art of Preaching
Lecture 2 - The Call to Preach
Lecture 3 - The Call to Pastor
Lecture 2 - Reaching Our Standards
Lecture 3 - Using Our Grids

2011 – Reddit Andrews
Lecture 1 - October 26, ChapelLecture 2 – October 26, Lunch
Lecture 3 - October 27, Lunch
2010 – Dr. Steve Lawson
Lecture 1 - Nehemiah 8Lecture 2 - Nehemiah 8
Lecture 3 - Nehemiah 8
2009 – Dr. Joel Beeke
Lecture 1 - Calvin’s Powerful PreachingLecture 2 - The Puritan’s Love for Preaching
Lecture 3 - Preaching Experientially Today
2008 – Dr. Ralph Davis
Lecture 1 - Why is the Old Testament Shut Out of Church?Lecture 2 - Nuts and Bolts in Preaching Old Testament Texts
Lecture 3 - The Hard Ministry of the Word
2007 – Dr. Mark Dever
Lecture 1 - The Symbol and Significance of PreachingLecture 2 - The Use of Preaching
Lecture 3 - The Art of Preaching
2006 – Rev. Mark Johnson
Lecture 1 - The Call to MinistryLecture 2 - The Call to Preach
Lecture 3 - The Call to Pastor
2005 – Dr. Sinclair Ferguson
Lecture 1 - Preaching ChristLecture 2 - Reaching Our Standards
Lecture 3 - Using Our Grids