MOS Study Cruise

Let's face it. Christians in America have suffered enough. We have, for too long, allowed the world to have all the fun. No longer! It is time Christians enjoy the same sorts of creature comforts the world has been enjoying. Mortification of Spin is finally going to do something about this disparity.
We are pleased to make an exciting announcement!
On June 15, 2018 you are invited to join us for the very first Mortification of Spin Study Cruise. We will be considering marvelous truths as we cruise about a storied river in an historic vessel: the SS Hermit Crab.
Alaska and the Caribbean are a little pricey but we have secured a 50 yard section of the Delaware River between Philadelphia and Camden, New Jersey where we will float along in comfort enjoying the majestic views and local wildlife.
You can book your reservation through 2 Dudes and a Boat at 555-LUV-BOAT
Cost: Thanks to generous funding from the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals we are able to offer this wonderful experience for only $14 per person, $25 for couples.
Cost includes:
• One square foot of personal space on the boat.
• Two Meals – Lunch: Fritos and a Ding Dong / Dinner: Bologna sandwich and a Fruit Rollup
• Stimulating conversation with Carl, Todd, and Aimee
• Disinfectant
* Neither the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals or the hosts of Mortification of Spin assume responsibility for any infections or emotional trauma suffered while on the cruise.