May Christians Assassinate Evil Doers?

April 26, 2010

Justin Taylor recently interviewed Eric Metaxas concerning his new biography on Dietrich Bonhoeffer. I was particularly struck by the way Metaxas answered the question, "Do you think Bonhoeffer was justified in conspiring to kill Hitler?"
In a word: yes. Bonhoeffer knew what was going on with the Jews. His family was well-connected, and he knew the worst stories of what was happening. He saw it as the plain duty of a Christian to protect the weak and the innocent. To sit back while this was going on, while he knew it was going on, was simply unthinkable. It would have been nothing less than cowardice. He felt that God Himself was calling him to act boldly, in faith. To step out and act. It was what his faith and his theology led him to do. That’s very important to understand, and if I’ve finally clarified that somewhat in my book I think I’ve done something very valuable.
Agree? Disagree?
Think about the number of lives that could have been saved had Hitler been assassinated.
Before you answer, however, consider one thing. What if you were asked if George Tiller's assassin was justified in killing the notorious abortionist.