David Wells on MOS

April 30, 2014
The latest Mortification of Spin is up and running.
Essential reading from David Wells:
No Place for Truth
The Courage to be Protestant
God in the Whirlwind
Back in their secret underground bunker, the spin team phone up David Wells to discuss his body of work and his huge contributions to modern Christianity. As a turncoat, a self-described "African-American," David has a unique experience and insight into American Christianity. David's voice has carried a lot of weight for much of evangelicalism, and he discusses issues related to this movement. Does evangelicalism have a center, a true coherence, anymore? Is it possible to have one again? David's Wells' input on this timely conversation is beneficial both for those who profess to be evangelical, and for those who don't.
Essential reading from David Wells:
No Place for Truth
The Courage to be Protestant
God in the Whirlwind