A Good Turn

The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America has concluded and there is good news to report.
In my last post I lamented the decision of the Overtures Committee of the General Assembly to answer in the negative the overtures presented to make constitutionally binding the solemnization of marriage (Book of Church Order, 59).
You can read my previous post if you'd like to know why this effort to make BCO 59 binding was so important.
Some of the brothers on the Overtures Committee drafted a minority report which was then presented on the floor of the Assembly.
After discussion it was decided that the minority report should be recommitted to the Overtures Committee for further discussion. What appears to have happened is that after some careful crafting the minority report gained acceptance from a larger number on the committee. Long story short - after working out the details and without in any way compromising on the issue, the minority report became the majority report and was overwhelming approved by the Assembly.
Praise the Lord for his kindness to us. Also, thanks to those men who labored long to bring about a solution that honors the Lord, upholds or public witness, and helps guard our ministers and churches.