
Rick Phillips
Returning to our editor's theme for the start of this year, I would make another suggestion for "the most important issue facing the church in 2008?" Having already suggested a renewed passion for world missions and the support of the growing church in the developing world, I would also like to...
Ron Gleason
Paul Jones has performed an indispensable service for the church in the writing of his book Sing and Making Music . The chapters range from the highly practical to the more technical, but without losing the reader in the process. Dr. Jones' musical credentials eminently qualify him to speak and...
Derek Thomas Articles
In an article in the Chicago Tribune this week, Jodi Cohen and Maegan Carberry discussed the case of Kate Darmody, a winning member of the National Championship Women's Lacrosse team from Northwestern University. She, along with her fellow players had been invited to the White House to meet the...
Greg Wilbur Articles
I have quite a collection of books on the arts from a Christian perspective, but I was so eager for Dr. Ryken's new book, that I have had it on backorder since last December. The subtitle of the book is A Call to Recover the Arts. In some ways it is frustrating that a book like this is necessary...