Sweet and Sour

When a housewife theologian goes to a conference, she has a lot of catch-up to do when she gets home. Thankfully, I have a wonderful husband who makes these opportunities possible for me in the first place. I think I came home to a cleaner house than I left. But aside from the ever-changing drama...
When a housewife theologian goes to a conference, she has a lot of catch-up to do when she gets home. Thankfully, I have a wonderful husband who makes these opportunities possible for me in the first place. I think I came home to a cleaner house than I left. But aside from the ever-changing drama...
When a housewife theologian goes to a conference, she has a lot of catch-up to do when she gets home. Thankfully, I have a wonderful husband who makes these opportunities possible for me in the first place. I think I came home to a cleaner house than I left. But aside from the ever-changing drama...
When a housewife theologian goes to a conference, she has a lot of catch-up to do when she gets home. Thankfully, I have a wonderful husband who makes these opportunities possible for me in the first place. I think I came home to a cleaner house than I left. But aside from the ever-changing drama...