Sexual Ethics

An Encouragement and Appeal to Concerned Officers and Laypeople in the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC) Dear brothers and sisters in the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC), Greetings, and Grace and Peace to those who love and serve our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in the Evangelical...
Wesley Hill’s Washed and Waiting was one of the first personal perspectives on homosexuality from a confessionally orthodox Christian. It was followed a few years later by Rosaria Butterfield’s memoir, Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert, and there have been more since. These books combined...
You have been entered into the marathon. You have been given a number. You have taken your mark. The starting gun has been fired. Uh oh. This particular marathon will prove to be much harder and longer than the norm. Twenty-six miles, shortness of breath, leg cramps, and moments of regret somewhere...
Strategically, Satan can do a great deal of harm to the church when he can play a role in the fall of a pastor. Pastors therefore should understand they are the special objects of attack (Zech. 13:7). But they should also remember the powerful presence of indwelling sin will mean they are never...
Welcome back to this tug of war showdown between Team Culture and Team Church. If you’re just tuning into this match, check out this article for previous coverage. The intensity is growing with every passing minute. You would think one side would tire, but no, each one just keeps pulling out new...
Editor's Note: This is a descriptive essay to help Christians to understand what is happening in our public schools and how to do something constructive about it at the school board level. The authors have included a link to the Wake County School Board meeting they attended near the end of this...
Male humans do not lactate. I know that this may come as a surprise to you, especially since we are now being told that males just might be able to lactate and so breast feed their young. This information comes from such trusted sources as the Scientific American, after all, how could a magazine...
Whatever we may think about an idol, foolish as it may be, we must not be in doubt about the infatuation that these chunks of metal and blocks of wood inspire in their worshipers. idols are precious to idolaters. What is more, idolaters are often witnesses for their idols, even though their witness...
John Hanna
Towards the end of 2022, with passage of the federal law named, “The Respect For Marriage Act,” the subject of same-sex marriage reemerged as a prominent public issue. “ How does two people getting married affect you?” supporters of same-sex marriage say. There have also been Christians effectively...
On the April 15 airing of SNL’s "Weekend Update,” the show’s first openly nonbinary cast member, Ms. Molly Kearney, though still using her singular female name yet celebrated being referred to by obliging backstage staff with the neuter pronouns “they” and “them” (reflecting “their” references to...