
Worldliness: Resisting the Seduction of a Fallen World Edited by C.J. Mahaney Foreword by John Piper Crossway Books (September 2008) 192 p. A broken leg gets more attention than the nagging pain in your side. But the attention we give to an illness is not always an accurate judge of its severity...
Brad Irick Articles
The Heart of Prayer: What Jesus Teaches Us By Jerram Barrs 256 p. P&R Publishing (February 2008) Reviewed by Brad Irick Recently, reformation21's own Derek Thomas preached the Sunday evening service at FPC Jackson from Nehemiah 1:11b-2:8. While commenting on Nehemiah's instinctual prayer in 2:4...
Today I received an anonymous prayer card from someone who was at Tenth Presbyterian Church yesterday for worship. The card asked us to pray for a baby whose heart is failing and may need a transplant. The baby's parents are believers in Jesus Christ. On Saturday the mother, fearing for her...
Derek Thomas Articles
Another, much anticipated book by J. I. Packer (and a second co-authored by Carolyn Nystrom). This one, as the title makes abundantly clear, on prayer - or, as the action-word suggests, praying. A century and a half ago the Scottish professor "Rabbi" Duncan sent his students off to read John Owen,...