
Perhaps there was a time when parents generally over-disciplined. Today too we must believe that “correcting [children] unduly” is a sin against the fifth commandment. [i] But the more common modern problem seems to be insufficient discipline. Couple our cultural moment of permissiveness with the...
The qualifications for elders in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1 mention that for a man to be a minister he must be a one-woman man, be sober-minded, and be self-controlled. In my experience, these and other qualifications are commonly noted in letters of reference for potential pastors. And this makes...
Welcome back to this tug of war showdown between Team Culture and Team Church. If you’re just tuning into this match, check out this article for previous coverage. The intensity is growing with every passing minute. You would think one side would tire, but no, each one just keeps pulling out new...
After reading through this prophecy, one doesn’t need to make it further than the first five chapters to realize that there is a profound problem. The people of God know the right things to say. In 1:15, they spread out their hands in prayer. They know the right things to do. In 1:11, they...
Noah Bailey
The last week of April, The Satanic Temple (TST) tried to set a Guinness world record for the largest gathering of satanists during the 10th Annual SatanCon with its “Witches Night” theme in Downtown Boston (reportedly packing hotels throughout the city). The sold out conference featured myriad...
Editor's note: this is part 3 of Raising (Covenant) Children Well. You can read part 1 here and part 2 here. Enjoy and be challenged. Friends Closer than a Brother The value of baptism depends, first, on a proper understanding of the sacrament; second, the promises contained in baptism must be...
There are two books I have vowed never to write: a book on marriage and a book on raising children well. Most, I am sure, can understand why one might have some trepidation writing on those topics. But, as a Presbyterian pastor, husband, and father of four, I cannot be altogether silent on these...
“Wood drastically” – “Wood ‘drastically underestimates the impact of social distinctions predicated upon wealth, especially inherited wealth.’ You got that from Vickers, ‘Work in Essex County,’ page 98, right? Yeah, I read that too. Were you gonna plagiarize the whole thing for us? Do you have any...
There’s a great deal of confusion about the nature of temptation and same-sex attraction. Many Christians, even pastors and theologians, some of whom are ostensibly Reformed, believe that same-sex temptation is not a sin. For them, sin only occurs when the act itself takes place. Others affirm that...
It is easy to set our minds on everything but heavenly things during the day. You might be tempted to replay the hard conversation you had with your friend repeatedly in your mind until you are overwhelmed. Your race for academic success or career advancement might be wearing you down. The behavior...