
Scott Oliphint
We finished our previous discussion by noting that there were elements of formal truth that the Skepchick attributed to Richard Dawkins. Because the Skepchick was not able to account either for her own outrage, or Dawkins' near-apathy toward the same, she was forced to move outside of her basic...
Andy Naselli Articles
What is evil? There are two kinds of evil: moral and natural. Moral evil is sin, such as murder, rape, abuse, terrorism, or genocide. Natural evil is what causes suffering and unpleasantness; it is the result of moral evil. For example, every human dies, animals suffer, natural disasters like...
David Strain Articles
Finding God in the Shack: Seeking Truth in a Story of Evil and Redemption By Roger E. Olson 160 p. IVP (February 2009) Roger Olson's Finding God in the Shack (IVP Books, 2009) is an extended review and discussion of the theology articulated by William Young in his earlier novel The Shack. It is an...
R.C. Sproul Articles
There Is a God: How the World's Most Notorious Atheist Changed His Mind. By Antony Flew. HarperOne: New York, 2007. 222pp. Reviewed by R.C. Sproul. A Tale of Two Parables With the publication of his book, There Is a God: How the World's Most Notorious Atheist Changed His Mind, the British...
David Robertson Articles
Publisher: Dutton (2008) Author: Tim Keller Pages: 277 including footnotes and index. I love the good news of Jesus Christ. I love apologetics. I love good writing. And I love Tim Keller. Therefore it is very difficult for me to be objective about The Reason for God. Given my past experience I...
David Robertson Articles
Publisher: Dutton (2008) Author: Tim Keller Pages: 277 including footnotes and index. I love the good news of Jesus Christ. I love apologetics. I love good writing. And I love Tim Keller. Therefore it is very difficult for me to be objective about The Reason for God. Given my past experience I...
David Robertson Articles
Publisher: Dutton (2008) Author: Tim Keller Pages: 277 including footnotes and index. I love the good news of Jesus Christ. I love apologetics. I love good writing. And I love Tim Keller. Therefore it is very difficult for me to be objective about The Reason for God. Given my past experience I...
This week's prize for the cultural equivalent of identifying the Pope's religious affiliation and revealing the sanitary habits of grizzly bears goes to..... The Times (that's The Times of London to those who come from a country that routinely identifies `Paris' as `Paris, France' lest people get...
This week's prize for the cultural equivalent of identifying the Pope's religious affiliation and revealing the sanitary habits of grizzly bears goes to..... The Times (that's The Times of London to those who come from a country that routinely identifies `Paris' as `Paris, France' lest people get...
Paul Helm Articles
I remember the first time I was asked whether I was a presuppositionalist or an evidentialist in apologetics. That was on my first visit to the USA, more years ago that I care to dwell on. The questioner put me on the spot, for I had never even thought about such a thing. It was rather like being...