Shelf Life

Shelf Life

David Jones Articles
"The Death of the Grown-Up: How America's Arrested Development is Bringing Down Wester Civilization" by Diana West 272 p. St. Martin's Press Reviewed by David Jones "Forever Young" sang the ever-aging Rod Stewart (and - it should be noted - Bob Dylan in a much superior original version!). From the...
David Robertson Articles
A critical interactive review continued... Chapter Two - Keller now moves on from the objection of the exclusivity of Christianity to the age-old problem of suffering. It seems as though, whenever there is a large disaster, the media always manage to get hold of a church leader who either speaks in...
Shaun Nolan
While Disney's Narnia is not my Narnia, the question is will it be yours? Full disclosure: I am by no means an unbiased reviewer. The Chronicles of Narnia played a significant role in my coming to faith in Christ. At a time when no one else was talking to me about Jesus, C.S. Lewis introduced a...
R.C. Sproul Articles
There Is a God: How the World's Most Notorious Atheist Changed His Mind. By Antony Flew. HarperOne: New York, 2007. 222pp. Reviewed by R.C. Sproul. A Tale of Two Parables With the publication of his book, There Is a God: How the World's Most Notorious Atheist Changed His Mind, the British...
Anthony Selvaggio Articles
Minority Report: Unpopular Thoughts on Everything From Ancient Christianity to Zen Calvinism Review by Rev. Anthony T. Selvaggio Publisher: Christian Focus (2008) Author: Carl R. Trueman Pages: 221 The Reformed and conservative evangelical world often seems so hackneyed, two dimensional and...
Paul Helm Articles
John Calvin, Sermons on the Acts of the Apostles 1-7 (Edinburgh, Banner of Truth Trust, 2008) Reviewed by Paul Helm Students of Calvin know the story of how many of his sermon transcriptions, bound in volumes and kept in the University Library in Geneva, were sold off for next to nothing to free up...
David Robertson Articles
Publisher: Dutton (2008) Author: Tim Keller Pages: 277 including footnotes and index. I love the good news of Jesus Christ. I love apologetics. I love good writing. And I love Tim Keller. Therefore it is very difficult for me to be objective about The Reason for God. Given my past experience I...
Carl Trueman Articles
Given the choice, I would always rather have my opinions presented and explained by a competent opponent than an incompetent friend; but my strong preference is for a competent friend to undertake the task. Thus, it is always very useful to have those views with which we disagree explained to us by...
Paul Long Articles
The central question of the book is somewhat disconcerting. Why has God allowed different religions? The question implies a respect for God's sovereignty, but it might just as well open a door to universalism--that any religion can in some way lead one to God. But that is not the case with this...
David Owen Filson Articles
If you are like me, you have often marveled at the Lion of Princeton, this doyen in multiple fields of theological discipline. Also, if you are like me, you have wondered at the paucity of literature on this one who has left so rich a legacy in theological exegesis, historical theology, polemics,...