

"The most significant lesson that desert dwellers can learn . . . is to regard themselves not as exiles from some better place, but as people at home in an environment to which life can be adjusted." When I was in Phoenix a few months ago, I had the opportunity to see the extraordinary plant...
"The most significant lesson that desert dwellers can learn . . . is to regard themselves not as exiles from some better place, but as people at home in an environment to which life can be adjusted." When I was in Phoenix a few months ago, I had the opportunity to see the extraordinary plant...
Carl Trueman Articles
A simple, isolated statement about belief in scriptural authority is not enough on its own to distinguish Protestants from Catholics. Some months ago, Wheaton College was thrust into the limelight in circumstances which caused what can only be described as a nightmare for those in charge of the...
So how should we deal with the inescapable overload of life in the twenty-first century? Do you ever get overwhelmed by all the things you need to get done, and discouraged by all the things you probably won't? Almost every day, right? I've felt that way a number of times recently. I felt...
So how should we deal with the inescapable overload of life in the twenty-first century? Do you ever get overwhelmed by all the things you need to get done, and discouraged by all the things you probably won't? Almost every day, right? I've felt that way a number of times recently. I felt...
A. Craig Troxel
The Latin phrase semper reformanda --usually translated "always reforming"--is the widely known slogan of the Reformed tradition. It has become quite popular. Authors conjure it. Theologians cite it. Trendsetters love it. But I have become suspicious. And my suspicions stem from seeing the phrase...
It is common to think that the history of the Church between the apostles and the Reformation is irrelevant or at best good late night reading. Some have even gone so far as to distort Church history altogether in works of outrageous fiction. And so how do we combat complacency on the one hand and...
Is the Reformation over? That is the question asked and to some extent answered in a recent book by Mark Noll and Carolyn Nystrom [Mark A. Noll and Carolyn Nystrom, Is the Reformation Over? An Evangelical Assessment of Contemporary Roman Catholicism (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 2005)]. The authors...
Is the Reformation over? That is the question asked and to some extent answered in a recent book by Mark Noll and Carolyn Nystrom [Mark A. Noll and Carolyn Nystrom, Is the Reformation Over? An Evangelical Assessment of Contemporary Roman Catholicism (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 2005)]. The authors...
Paul Helm Articles
On 25th December - an arbitrary date in the calendar - most Christians celebrate the coming into flesh of the Eternal Word. We remember and rejoice in what has happened, without trying to turn the clock back and attempting to re-enact it as if it had not yet occurred. We cannot relive that moment...