Why Most Missionaries Are Liars

June 30, 2015
No job description I have ever seen for a missionary includes the words "fast and loose with the truth." It is not my belief missions attracts the kind of people who are predisposed to being insincere. Unfortunately, I have seldom encountered a missionary who will tell the entire truth when asked important personal questions.
The questions which would cause a typical missionary to light up a lie detector include: "How are you doing?" "How is your family?" "How is your marriage?" "How is your spiritual health?" These personal questions are frequently asked by friends, family, and supporting churches. What gives a typical missionary emotional fits is juxtaposing an honest desire to receive help with the concern he or she may be perceived as a ministry failure.
The Truth
The truth is most missionaries are suffering. They just don't want their supporters to know it. A typical missionary has an unspoken adversarial relationship with their supporters. It has to do with financial support. We missionaries think, at some level, if our supporters discover we are suffering, struggling or having a hard time while on the mission field, we will be viewed as a bad investment and our supporters will go find a better missionary who has his act together.
Two of the most discussed topics in the bible are sin & money. It should come as no surprise that money is at the core of much of our sin. Many missionaries are willing to suffer in silence for fear someone may discover we are ineffective servants. If the truth of a missionary's suffering was revealed someone may pull their financial support or a missionary may be called home for a season, or permanently. In a missionary's mind, what could be more painful than to be revealed as incapable of doing that which God has called and prepared them to do?
To The Missionary
Missions is hard. Humans are weak. God is sufficient. What could be more unnatural than to leave a culture where you know the language, you are succeeding at life and are surrounded by people who support you, to live in a culture where you speak like a child, have no support group and fail daily? Missionaries leave for the mission field with visions of Amy Carmichael, David Brainerd and Jim Elliot in their heads. The reality is many missionaries spend some part of a typical day in emotional and spiritual anguish. Struggle and failure are typical items on a missionary's "to do" list. Missionaries, always remember what Hudson Taylor said, "God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supplies."
Tell your supporters and friends the truth. Get people to pray for you often. Let those who love you know you are in pain. When missionaries are honest, supporters don't run from you, they run to you. When you left for the mission field you asked individuals and churches to partner with you in ministry. Give others the opportunity to glorify God by serving you. You may be surprised how your honesty results in a deluge of compassion.
To The Church
You agreed to partner with missionaries. Now do it. This is not simply a financial relationship. John Piper said, "All the money needed to send and support an army of self‐sacrificing, joy‐spreading ambassadors is already in the church." It is not about the money. Care for your missionaries at least as well as you care for your stateside congregants. Ask them frequently how they are doing. Assume they are struggling and lying to you. Probe deeper. Ask them hard questions. Remind them frequently you are praying for them. They know you are praying, but they love to be reminded. Remember their family.
Don't forget anniversaries and birthdays. One short e‐mail or phone call will provide energy for months. You may not be called to go, but you are certainly called to pray for or support God's Great Commission. Every Christian is a participant.
Visit your missionaries on the field. Counsel them. Dive into their lives and invest in their spiritual health. Send them personal Christian resources. Conferences, books and CDs aren't as prevalent outside the U.S. Loving on a missionary isn't hard, but you'd be shocked at how few churches and supporters do it. Be the one to make a difference.
Focus On The Big Things
I have explained to dozens of churches I would rather see them invest sacrificially in two missionaries than superficially in two dozen missionaries. Instead of giving a $100/month to two dozen missionaries and ignoring their personal needs, give $1000/month to two missionaries and pour your time, effort and soul into their personal wellbeing. Invest deeper into fewer missionaries instead of going a mile wide and an each deep.
Missionaries, quit being so prideful. It is better for you to be spiritually healthy and able to serve for decades, than burning out after a couple of years. Be willing to be vulnerable so you can recover.
Sorry, to break the bad news to you. Most of your missionaries are lying to you. As they see it, they are sacrificing their personal wellbeing for the advancement of God's work. It is this type of self‐sacrifice that makes them good missionaries. Let your missionaries know you love them and want to provide a safe place where they can heal their wounds.
Mike Pettengill is a full‐time missionary serving in La Ceiba, Honduras, with Mission to the World (www.mtw.org). Mike is a team leader of a 12‐person mission team. To learn more about the Pettengill's work in Honduras visit Pettengill Missionaries (www.pettengillmissionaries.org)