Where the Sanctification Controversy Lies

The long-simmering controversy over the doctrine of
sanctification has heated up considerably lately, especially with The Gospel
Coalition's removal of Tullian Tchividjian's blog from its website. Tullian has taken to the media and yesterday in an interview made the comment that he has been slandered.
He has also publicly stated that the criticisms against his teaching are
based on personal and spiritual defects in his accusers. No specifics are given, much less proof of
how he could know this. If this was not
surprising enough, Tullian then stated that there is nothing controversial in
anything that he teaches. Hearing this,
one has to wonder if he actually has read the concerns raised against him (see
Michael Kruger's post which argues that Tullian is not responding with
reference to the actual criticisms).
Since I am one of the people who has expressed grave concern
over Tullian's teaching regarding sanctification, and since I described his
blog post on 1 John 5:2-3 as false teaching, let me respond that whatever my
personal defects or those of others in this debate, the real issues are in fact
substantive and not at all personal. In
the interest of clarification, let me therefore point out where in my opinion
the controversy lies over Tullian's teaching.