Reformation Day in Chile - The Scoop

Back in October, I mentioned here that Chile had just established October 31 as a national holiday celebrating the Reformation. I asked for folks to write in if they had more information. I received emails from a number of readers, but the fullest explanation came from Cristian Moran in Chile. Here's what he told me:
"Well, the bill was actually proposed by a group of lawmakers among whom there is at least one evangelical delegate.
"Politicians here say that the aim of this law is recognizing that the evangelicals constitute a numerous body of people and that their efforts have been valuable in different areas (it's been said, however, that it also serves as a sign of religious pluralism).
"The selection of this day as a national holiday comes to give prominence to the various activities which evangelicals have carried out year after year to celebrate Reformation Day.
"It's fair to say that Luther is held in a very high esteem among Chilean evangelicals (you can see a presentation of a bust in his honor here); however, it's sad to see that many times he is not so loved for his ideas as for the fact that he gives us some identity as non-Catholics.
"Now, is there in Chile a burgeoning Protestant community which is truly interested in the ideals of the Reformation and the legacy of Luther, Calvin and the other reformers?
"I would say yes. Maybe it's not a large one, but there is something happening here and, curious as it may seem, to a certain degree it's happening among young people. Young people who see the neglecting of Reformed theology as responsible for a good deal of our church's ills.
"As I said before, I was surprised by your post but not only because it has to do with Chile, but also because it was you who wrote it. In this country we don't have many Reformed teachers, so most of times I look for guidance in Ligonier's website, Reformation 21, and (just to name a few websites). I'm very indebted to people like Dr. Sproul, Dr. Ferguson and you.
"I don't want to take more of your time, so thanks a lot for reading this. Please tell Dr. Derek Thomas that next time he comes to Peru he MUST come to Chile also (last month I found his book "God Strenghtens" (in Spanish) and bought it immediately to soothe my sadness...).
"God bless you and your ministry.
-- This is a most encouraging response, Cristian! Thank You!