PCRT Anthology Giveaway

1977: Man the Sinner, Man the Saint
1978: The Cross Our Glory: The Nature and Extent of the Atonement
1979: In Praise of Christ: The Biblical Name and Titles
1984: Christ or "Big Brother"? A Christian Vision for Today's Society
1985: The Church: God's New Society
1986: Our Blessed Hope: The Biblical Doctrine of Last Things
1989: Whatever Happened to Sin?
1990: Redeemed! Redemption Accomplished
1991: Redeemed! Redemption Applied
1992: Our Wonderful Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
1993: Walking in the Old Paths
1994: Desiring God: A Reformed Perspective on Worship
1996: What the Church Needs Now is Reformation
1997: The Theology of the Cross
2002: The Promised Holy Spirit
2005: One Way: The Exclusive Claims of Christianity
2007: The Word: Above All Earthly Powers
2008: Precious Blood: The Atoning Work of Christ
2009: Right with God: The Doctrine of Justification
2011: Children of God: Adopted into the Father's Love
2012: The Gospel: What? Why? How?
2013: In the Beginning: God, Adam and You
2015: Holiness and Honor: A Reformed View of Sex and Marriage
2016: How Firm a Foundation: The Bible's Authority, Sufficiency and Clarity